What does location look like in search engine results



A quick view at some of the ways location affects what we see in search engine results. Presented at http://www.sascon.co.uk/ 2012

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1Copyright NetBooster 2011

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1Copyright NetBooster 2011

What does location based search look like?Edward Cowell - SEO Directorhttp://goo.gl/XqQQP

2Copyright NetBooster 2011

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1 in 3 search queries have local intent and 97% of consumers use the web to shop locally.

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Google has placed location and location-based search front-and-center in its search engine.

Location biasing is the only personalisation filter you cannot disable.

4Copyright NetBooster 2011



• More local sites from organizations. [project codename "ImpOrgMap2"] This change

makes it more likely you’ll find an organization website from your country (e.g. mexico.cnn.com

for Mexico rather than cnn.com).

• Improvements to local navigational searches. [launch codename "onebar-l"] For searches

that include location terms, e.g. [dunston mint seattle] or [Vaso Azzurro Restaurant 94043], we

are more likely to rank the local navigational homepages in the top position, even in cases

where the navigational page does not mention the location.


• Better handling of queries with both navigational and local intent. [launch codename

"ShieldsUp"] Some queries have both local intent and are very navigational (directed towards a

particular website). This change improves the balance of results we show, and helps ensure

you’ll find highly relevant navigational results or local results towards the top of the page as

appropriate for your query.

• Local result UI refresh on tablet. We’ve updated the user interface of local results on tablets to

make them more compact and easier to scan.

5Copyright NetBooster 2011


Keyphrases Local Monthly UK Searches

[argos opening times] 22200

[argos stores] 5400

[argos london] 1900

[argos store finder] 1000

[argos old street] 1000

[argos milton keynes] 880

[argos brixton] 590

[argos plymouth] 590

[argos birmingham] 590

[argos wimbledon] 390

Use keyphrase research to work out what types of location based queries and locations are most important to you.

6Copyright NetBooster 2011


The way location is presented in the search results page is constantly changing - ‘opening times’ - February

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An example based on ‘opening times’ - Now

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Information moving from the website to the results page

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Google Knowledge Graph

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Whether mobile or desktop, organic results are actually quite location specific.

IE: Sitelinks dynamically change based on location

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Knowledge Graph for mobile and tablet will make results more varied

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Lets not overlook Google Places

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Places creates opportunities for the little guys

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Copyright NetBooster 2011

17| Copyright Guava Limited

Marissa Mayer - Google’s first female engineer when she was hired in 1999. Currently vice president of Local and Maps for Google, Mayer previously oversaw the user interface and user experience for Google.com. Walmart have proposed adding her to their board.

Location is also important for the big guys

18Copyright NetBooster 2011



Expect local to get more social: Google+ + Google Places

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Local search doesn’t just happen on search engines. Here I search within my maps app.

20Copyright NetBooster 2011


Black Dog Ballroom 1 Wrong – very bemused bar maid

Black Dog Ballroom 2Right – Good SASCon show party

Final note: Because 61% of people looking places up on maps intend to visit them it’s important we get local optimisation correct.
