Sumer 3


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The Sumerian Civilization

The Land of the Lords Brightness

Sumer meaning “land of the lords brightness”, was a civilization and historical region in southern Mesopotamia.

It is the earliest known civilization in the world and is known as the Cradle of Civilization.

The Sumerian Civilization spanned over 3000 years (starting in the mid millennium BC).

Sumerian Cities There were at least 12 cities

such as: Ur, Uruk, Kish, Lagash.

These city states were centered around a temple for the city’s gods.

These cities were surrounded by agriculture.

One of the reasons that the Sumerian civilization was so advanced is because it had it had extensive trading networks on land and sea.


The Sumerians were extremely religious, all events were determined by gods.

The Monarch was an agent to god.

There were religious duties subject to accept king’s rule.

Class Systems The Commoners in Sumerian

were illiterate.

The Sumerians created a successful currency system.

Kings were once elected, but then their system became hereditary.

The Sumerians were paternalistic, men dominate, while women in their culture were low.


They made their works mostly out of clay which was abundant in this region.

The Sumerian used sculpture for religious purposes.

Sumerian religious sculpture included many depictions of naked men in silent prayer.

In Sumerian culture, male gods were of higher worship than female gods, although mortal men and women were depicted as equals.

Marble and Diorite was also used to make sculpture.

The Sumerians hammered Gold which was used on sculpture, of only the gods and goddesses.

Gold was also found in the tombs of Kings.

Architecture Sumerians built building using a platform structure,

which started at ground level.

These temples were made from mud and brick.

When finished these temples were square shaped.

There would be three platforms, one on top of the other.

The uppermost platform was for the gods. The middle platform was used for religious purpose.

Sumerian Government

Sumerian government was a monarchy that was leveled by the priest-king.

This king had total control, not only over the military, but also society and state.

This king would rule through divine rights and Priests, who the king picked through divine selection.


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