Induction #1 feedback



Session #1: Feedbacks - Induction Online - AIESEC in Itajubá

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Aims to maximize the performance of someone or a group

Its origin is from the monitorship evaluation

• It helps in your self-knowledge building and self-development.

• Gives our impression to others

• Can help an activity, group or person to grow better.

• Depend on the:– Formality– Amount of people

• Can be:– Descriptive– Avaliative

• Value judgment;

• Imposition of concepts;

• Puts people on the defensive;

• Gives a direction.

BBehaviorehavior - Gives feedback specifying modifiable behaviors seen.

IImpactmpact - Describes the impact that it generated in yourself.

OOutcomeutcome - Discusseswhat should be changed.

Feedback must be specific and focus on the behaviors, not the personality.Should explain how the consequences made you feel.

Imparciality, with no value judgment.

Doesn’t counsel anyone nor shows the personal impact it had.

Focus solely on the behaviors.

Doesn’t put the person on the defensive.

Feedback must encourage the positive aspects and guide on how to

deal with the negative ones.

Don’t let the person be on the defensive!

Focus on the behaviors.

• It must be asked for.• It must be objective;• Focus on the modifyable

behaviors• Must bring examples.• First the positve one, then the

negative one. • Must be planned out before.

Time and place must be adequate.

Ask for the preference of the person (in person, by email, telephone...) – try for email, than personally.

Must fulfill the needs of both the “feedbacker” and the “feedbackee”.

Keep yourself in the plan.

• Discretion.

• Describe behaviors.

• Keep yourself calm and try not to


• Promote the reflection.

• Ask the “feedbackee” to repeat,

verify, clear out and listen.

• Try not to be too insistent.

• Careful with facial expressions.
