How To Produce a Podcast (And Use it to Get More Clients)


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How To Produce A

Podcast (And Use It To Get

More Clients)

Since starting my podcast some 70-plus

episodes ago, my business has benefited immensely from the

exposure that having a podcast in the iTunes store has offered. Each month the volume of downloads increases

significantly, and as a result…

Increased traffic to my blog New subscribers to my list

More importantly, having a podcast…

Gives my readers a way to consume my content while they are on the fly…which I suspect is most often during their commute.

I received some helpful tips from my guests (I call them Golden Nuggets, and a lot of very positive feedback from listeners.

And, I increased my


How to Produce A Podcast?

How to Produce a Podcast:


Heil PR40 Mic (costs about $300)

Heil PL-2T Mic boom (costs about $100)

Heil PR40 Mic (costs about $300)

Behringer 1202 Mixing Board (costs about $100)

Heil PR40 Mic (costs about $300)

Heil PL-2T Mic boom (costs about $100)

Roland MP3 Recorder (costs about $200)

Heil PR40 Mic (costs about $300)

Heil PL-2T Mic boom (costs about $100)

Behringer 1202 Mixing Board (costs about $100)

Audio Technica Headphones (costs about $50)

Heil PR40 Mic (costs about $300)

Heil PL-2T Mic boom (costs about $100)

Behringer 1202 Mixing Board (costs about $100)

Roland MP3 Recorder (costs about $200)

Plenty of wires to connect it all together (costs about $50)

Heil PR40 Mic (costs about $300)

Heil PL-2T Mic boom (costs about $100)

Behringer 1202 Mixing Board (costs about $100)

Roland MP3 Recorder (costs about $200)

Audio Technica Headphones (costs about $50)

Plenty of wires to connect it all together (costs about $50)

Heil PR40 Mic (costs about $300)

Heil PL-2T Mic boom (costs about $100)

Behringer 1202 Mixing Board (costs about $100)

Roland MP3 Recorder (costs about $200)

Audio Technica Headphones (costs about $50)

Total cost of Podcast Equipment: $800

How to Produce a Podcast ::

How To Record a Podcast

In addition to the hardware, there are also a few software apps & services that are a part of my production:

to tag the .mp3 file with the right image and name, etc…before uploading to my S3 account)

to handle post production editing (which is minimal)

WordPress plugin to ensure it’s uploaded to iTunes as well as displayed on my blog

to host the .mp3 files (do NOT try to use your web server)

for the calls themselves

as a second method of recording in case my primary method fails (Speaking from experience, nothing is worse than asking a guest to repeat 10 minutes of conversation because your recording failed)

used to make my and my caller’s voice the same volume in case I screw it up while recording Levelator

ID3 Editor

GarageBand (Mac)

Bluebrry Powerpress

Amazon S3


Call Recorder for Skype

How to Produce a Podcast ::

Editing in Post Production

1. Done recording

3. Range: -12 to -6 db

4. Import the main file into GarageBand

2. Listen to ensure that the levels are equal

How to Produce a Podcast ::

How to Connect Your Mixing Board

How to Produce a Podcast ::

How to Upload a Podcast to

How to Produce a Podcast ::

If you want more detailed information on this topic, click Trent Dyrsmid

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