How to make a film opening at as


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How to make a Film Opening at

ASAli Daoud 12Q

The conventions of a film opening

A film opening is the start of the film where the film institutions and companies as well as the cast and crew are introduced through titles. The opening itself usually contains a variety of shots such as an establishing shot. However these are the aspects of a sequence and they should be evenly distributed in the scene:Genre – Narrative/Plot – Characters – Themes – Atmosphere


I have learned from various studies on film openings that the aim is not to present the entire plot in the opening 2 minutes as if it is a short film. A film opening is mainly dedicated to showing the audience who is in the film and introducing locations and some characters. However it can just be an all animated/graphic sequence like in many James Bond films, Casino Royale in particular.

Basic Points

• Generally 2-4 minutes • A specific order of cast and crew: 2 main stars, title, rest

of the actors and crew etc // All stand alone titles or a few names in one

• Saul Bass style of openings are common. • Atmosphere set to hook the audience

Micro Conventions

The micro conventions are the more behind the scenes conventions such as - Font -Sound Design - Lighting - Framing- Colour - Costume