Ch.1.less.1. what are the structures of plant and animals cells


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Chapter 1: Lesson 1: What are the structures

of plant and animals cells?

Grade 5

Study the pictures shown, then circle living things with a RED marker and non-living things with a

BLUE marker.

Any living thing.


What is this building made of?

Cement Iron



(Smallest building unit)

All organisms are made of building blocks (units) called


What do cells do?Cells help us:

1) Grow2) Breathe3) Move4) Reproduce (make more of its kind)5) Excrete (remove wastes from their

bodies)6) Respond to stimulus (feel the weather

changes, etc)7) Feed

Smallest unit of living things that can carry out the basic

processes of life.



Unicellular(1 celled


Multicellular(Multi celled organisms)

Animal CellsCell membrane





Animal Cell organelle functions1) Cell membrane

- Give the cell its shape.- Controls what materials enter the cell and what materials leave the cell.

2) Cytoplasm

- Gel like liquid mostly made of water.- It fills the area between the cell membrane and nucleus (organelles float in it).- Some of the life processes take place in it.

3) Nucleus

- Have a membrane with pores to allow certain substance in and out of the nucleus.- Controls all the cell functions (the brain of the cell).

4) Vacuole- A membrane covered structure used for storage (stores food, water and wastes).- Some animal cells have many small vacuoles and some do not have vacuoles.

5) Mitochondria- Oval, membrane covered organelle that breaks down food to give energy to the cell (power plant).- Animal cells that need more energy (ex. muscle cells) have many mitochondria.

Plant Cell organelle functions1) Cell Wall

- Stiff structure outside the cell membrane.- It provides the cell with strength and extra support.

2) Cell membrane

- Controls what materials enter the cell and what materials leave the cell.

3) Cytoplasm- Gel like liquid mostly made of water.- It fills the area between the cell membrane and nucleus (organelles float in it).

4) Nucleus- Have a membrane with pores to allow certain substance in and out of the nucleus.- Controls all the cell functions (the brain of the cell).

5) Vacuole- 1 large central vacuole used for storing excess water and providing extra support to the plant.

6) Mitochondria- Oval, membrane covered organelle that breaks down food to give energy to the cell (power plant).

7) Chloroplast- A green structure where energy from the sunlight is used to make the plants food. (Contains chlorophyll)
