Biometrics in Education


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MARCH 10, 2017

Written & Compiled By

Danny Thakkar

CEO & Co-Founder

“ Biometrics in the U.S. education sector is set to become a $70 million market by 2019. That’s a growth rate of almost 30%.

” TECHNAVIO A leading market research company.



1743 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA, 95126

t. 877.917.3287 (USA)

t. 408.940.3955 (INT)


Biometric technology is an evolving field and is

increasingly becoming more powerful and cost-

effective. It is no longer limited to just high

security government and banking applications

but also making inroads into the education

sector. Educational institutions understand the

need for security and accuracy in student

attendance tracking and hence look for a fast,

reliable and cost-effective solution.

Image 1: The first reported use of biometric systems in U.S. schools was at Minnesota's Eagan High School in March 1997. - Wikipedia

Biometric attendance systems are already

widespread in various industries such as

workforce management and biometric

technology is already an accepted method of

identification. Among all the biometric

technologies, fingerprint recognition is the most

widely used and is a cost-effective solution. It is

a better and faster identification solution as

compared to other methods such as swipe

cards and PINs. It can also prove to be an

effective tool in protecting student identity and



Students are required to identify themselves for

attendance and also for getting access to

services within the school such as in the

cafeteria, library etc. The commonly used

methods of identification in schools such as

paper based attendance; picture ID cards,

PINs, card punches and ofcourse visual

identification has their own sets of issues. A lot

of time and resources are spent by the teachers

and administrators to compensate for the

limitations of these methods.

Students regularly forget their cards or the

cards could be lost, stolen or mutilated. PINs

can also be easily stolen, lost or forgotten.

Visual identification is also a poor solution

especially for large group of students and is

tough to execute given the current security

concerns and reporting issues. Thus these

methods have loopholes and cannot prevent

proxy attendance, ID card thefts or errors in

attendance tracking. All these methods have an

effect on the education quality and time

wastage of teachers and administrators.

Biometric solutions can help streamline school

operations and also increase teaching time by

eliminating the unnecessary hours spent on

error tracking and reconciling of attendance



1743 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA, 95126

t. 877.917.3287 (USA)

t. 408.940.3955 (INT)

data. Technavio’s latest report on biometrics in

the education sector in the US states that multi-

factor authentication and the availability of

single sign on solutions have supported the

rapid adoption of biometrics technology in this

sector. Analysts have thus predicted a growth

rate of close to 30% between 2015 and 2019.

How does biometrics achieve this? Biometrics is

an automated method of identification which is

based on the physical traits of an individual

such as fingerprints, iris, face etc. These traits

are unique to each individual and can help

distinguish a person from the entire global

population. These traits are inherent to the

individual and they cannot be stolen or easily

duplicated. These characteristics make

biometrics technology very popular for identity




Earlier it was unthinkable that a futuristic and

high cost technology like biometrics could be

implemented in a school environment. But the

rapid advancements in this technology and the

availability of biometric devices have made this

technology affordable and practical. Now

biometrics is being used in schools all over the


Fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, retina

scan, voice recognition etc. are some of the

biometric technologies that are available

nowadays. Of all these technologies,

fingerprint recognition is by far the most

recognizable because of its familiarity, ease of

use, uniqueness and permanence. Fingerprints

are unique to each individual and remain

permanent throughout a person’s life. Also, the

widespread availability of fingerprint recognition

devices has made it a forerunner in the

implementation of biometric identification


All biometric technologies have their strengths

and weaknesses and the key is to finding the

right technology suitable for the application.

Fingerprint technology has a very high rate of

accuracy, easy to use, fast matching rates and

also cost-effective. It is one of the oldest

identification methods and has been

successfully implemented in a variety of

applications such as border control, banking

security, workforce management in factories

etc. Moreover, each of our ten fingerprints is

different from one another and also from the

fingerprints of every other person. Fingerprints

are unique to even identical twins. All these

characteristics make fingerprints an ideal

biometric trait for personal identification.

Compared to cards or PINs, students would

never forget their fingerprints nor can they be

lost or stolen.



Fingerprints are composed of ridges and

furrows on the finger surface. The points where

the ridges end or cross each other are known

as minutiae points. It is the pattern of these

ridges and furrows as well as the minutiae

points that determine the uniqueness of


The matching degree between the minutiae

patterns and furrows is one of the most

important factors in fingerprint identification



1743 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA, 95126

t. 877.917.3287 (USA)

t. 408.940.3955 (INT)

and can help determine if two fingerprints are

from the same finger. The students need to be

first enrolled in the biometric identification

system by scanning the fingerprints. Sometimes

the scanned fingerprints are not of optimum

quality and hence image enhancement

techniques are used to remove the noise.

Unique characteristics such as minutiae

features are extracted from this enhanced

image and stored in the templates database.

For biometric student identification to work,

they should have been enrolled in the system.

Later when the student returns to be identified,

his finger is scanned again by the fingerprint

reader and the software compares this new

template with the already existing templates in

the database. If the templates match, the

student is identified and allowed access.

Fingerprint biometric identification is very fast

owing to the small size of the template. The

whole fingerprint image is not stored in the

templates database. Only the unique

characteristics such as the minutiae points are

extracted and stored which makes the template

size small. Thus the identification and matching

process is completed in a few seconds. No

fingerprint image is stored at any time and

recreation of fingerprint image from the

template is also not possible. Thus we see that

it is very accurate, secure and the fastest

biometric identification method.



Deploying biometric identification solutions in a

school environment can provide immense

benefits in terms of convenience, safety and

security by helping to efficiently manage

student tracking and attendance. There will be

significant saving of time and money by the

improved operations.

A well-known application of biometric

technology is tracking the attendance of

students and teachers. Access control is an

important issue and being able to provide a

safe and controlled environment is critical to

the success of a school. Deploying biometrics in

school attendance systems enables the

administrators to provide accurate records of

persons entering and exiting the school

premises. Students, teachers and other visitors

can be accurately identified using fingerprint

recognition and the biometric attendance

system will automatically record the check-in

and check-out times.

A biometric attendance system can be installed

at the school front door or in individual classes

to identify students and teachers for every roll-

call. Such a deployment requires enrolling the

fingerprints of all students and teachers in

which the fingerprints are scanned, converted

into a digital template and stored in a database

which will later be used for matching and

verification. When a student or teacher scans

his or her fingerprint to enter the school, it is

compared with the fingerprint templates in the

database and access is granted only when

there is a positive match. Such a system

ensures that the individuals entering the school

actually belong there. Also the administrators

will have an accurate time-stamped record of

every person’s entry and exit from the school




1743 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA, 95126

t. 877.917.3287 (USA)

t. 408.940.3955 (INT)

Attendance systems using fingerprint

recognition do not require complex technical

knowledge and individuals can start using the

system with minimum training. They simply

need to place their fingers on the scanner to

check-in or check-out of the school building or

the class. The process of attendance tracking

becomes faster and student’s identity and

privacy is also protected with the use of

biometric attendance systems.

The federal and state government provides

certain funding based on the number of

students who attend school each day. Thus the

administrators should be able to provide

auditable attendance records. Failure to do so

may prove very expensive to the school. Any

errors in attendance reporting will require the

school to return the thousands of dollars paid

as funding by the government sources. With

biometric based attendance systems,

administrators will be able to provide irrefutable

proof of student attendance. Students who are

not in appropriate classrooms can also be

identified in real-time using the period-by-

period attendance records. Moreover, teachers

of large classes such as physical education or

orchestra class will be able to utilise the entire

classroom period for instruction rather than

spending valuable time taking attendance. This

will result in increased productivity.



Earlier most schools used a PIN pad entry or

swipe cards in their cafeteria debit systems but

soon realised the problems associated with

these systems. Often, students forget their PIN

numbers or ID cards leading to longer waiting

times in the school lunch line leaving both the

staff and the students frustrated. Some

students are also entitled to a free or a reduced

price meal which is provided anonymously. So a

student who forgets his card might feel

somewhat embarrassed. In the worst case,

bullies might steal the PIN number or swipe

card and use it fraudulently to pay for their

meals. Thus we see that a school lunch line

POS technology should be able to address a lot

of areas. It should be able to provide quick and

accurate check-outs to students and also be

able to interface with back end accounting and

inventory systems.

Deploying fingerprint biometric technology in

lunch line POS systems will allow quick

transactions and smooth lunch line flow while

at the same time ensuring student

accountability and security. A lunch line POS

system based on fingerprint biometrics will

eliminate the need for students to remember

their PIN number or ID card when they get to

the register. In biometric POS systems, the

student simply places his finger on the scanner

for identity verification. The process is

completed in less than few seconds and the

transaction gets recorded. It is a quick, reliable

and accurate process which allows maintaining

the smooth flow in lunch line. Students who

sometimes get 20 minutes or less for their

lunch period can quickly get in and out of the

lunch line.

More schools are looking to adopt affordable

biometric technology in their cafeteria

management systems. Biometric technology



1743 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA, 95126

t. 877.917.3287 (USA)

t. 408.940.3955 (INT)

eliminates wasted time and expenses by

boosting the accuracy and security of lunch line

POS transactions. Fingerprint recognition is the

mainstream biometric technology for lunch line

POS systems due to its inherent benefits and

cost effectiveness. It can also be easily

interfaced with existing cafeteria management

software and is a modern technology compared

to PINs and swipe cards. School administration

has the assurance that the students are safe

and moving quickly through the lunch line.




Schools looking to integrate fingerprint

recognition technology in their existing student

attendance system or cafeteria management

software can take advantage of Touch n Go. It

is a developer friendly biometric solution that

allows fingerprint technology to be integrated

into existing applications instantly and with no

learning curve.

Touch n Go provides the highest level of

security and a solid identity management

infrastructure for your applications. With Touch

n Go, fingerprint technology integration should

not take hours or months but can be

accomplished with just four lines of code. The

client and server installation takes just a few

minutes and the GUI for performing enrollment

and search is ready to use. Programmers will

also find it helpful as Touch n Go supports

various programming languages such as C#,

Java etc.



There are numerous benefits of implementing

biometrics in school management systems

which include the following:

With biometrics technology, school

administration can centrally and accurately

track student attendance records and prevent

proxy attendance and other errors of traditional

student attendance tracking systems.

It saves the time spent in recording class

attendance and rectifying attendance errors

and now teachers can use this saved time for

teaching which increases productivity.

It is a very fast and convenient system as

biometric attendance systems can scan

fingerprints in mere seconds thus allowing

students to check-in and check-out easily.

Biometric systems can also speed up the data

verification time thus saving administration time

and increasing efficiency.


We have seen how biometric identification

solutions can help streamline the operations of

school management systems and increase

efficiency. The main benefits of implementing

biometrics in education are accurate record

keeping, increased productivity, convenience

and also safety and security of the students.



1743 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA, 95126

t. 877.917.3287 (USA)

t. 408.940.3955 (INT)



Danny Thakkar is the CEO and Co-Founder of Bayometric,

one of the leading biometric solution providers in the

world. He has been in the Biometric Industry for 10+

years and has extensive experience across public and

private sector verticals. Currently, he is chief evangelist for

Touch N Go.

COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2017 Bayometric LLC. All rights reserved. This white paper was written, designed, and

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REFERENCES 1. Biometrics in schools – Wikipedia

2. Biometrics Market in the United States in Education Sector 2015-2019 – Technavio

3. Kids to Scan Fingers for School Lunches – FINDBIOMETRICS

4. Biometrics in Education – A Growing Demand – IriTech Blog

5. Fingerprint SDK vs. Touch N Go Fingerprint Software – Touch N Go Blog

6. The Value of Biometrics for Student Attendance Management Systems – M2SYS Blog
