Ellis Skolfield's Teaching Outline 08 Summary



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Summary of Prophetic Days & Times Dome of the Rock Construction 685AD-705AD

THE DAY YEARS 444BC 32-33AD 5Dan 9:24-26 *(( 69 WEEKS ((* 5 5 536BC 5 1948ADDan 9:27 *(((((((((((((((((((((( THE 70th WEEK ((((((((((((((((((((((* 5 583BC 5Dan 12:11 *((((( 1290 HEBREW YEARS ((((((5 Abomination of Desolation! * 5Dan 12:12 *((((( 1335 HEBREW YEARS ((((((((( 732AD, Battle of Tours * 5 5 1967ADRev 11:2 Gentiles Control Jerusalem 5(((( 42 MONTHS = 1278 YEARS ((((* 5 *Rev 13:5 Leopard-Bear-Lion in the City 5(((( 42 MONTHS = 1278 YEARS ((((*

© Copyright 2005, Ellis Skolfield

Rev 11:8-11 Witnesses lie in Streets 5((((((((( 3 & 1/2 DAYS (((((((((* 5 5 1948AD Rev 11:3-4 Two Witnesses 5((((((((( 1260 DAYS (((((((((* 5 *Rev 12:6 Woman in the Wilderness 5((((((((( 1260 DAYS (((((((((* 5 * A SEASON AND A TIME 5 * 5 *Dan 7:12 The rest of the Beasts 5(( 1000 + 250 = 1250 YEARS ((* 5 *THE TIME, TIMES, & 1/2 TIMES *

* 552BC *Dan 7:25 *((((((((((((((( BELSHAZZAR UNTIL NEW ISRAEL ((((((((((((((*

533BC 1967ADDan 12:7 *((((((((( 3RD YEAR OF CYRUS UNTIL JERUSALEM FREE ((((((((((*

724BC 1776ADRev 12:14 *((((((( FALL OF ISRAEL UNTIL THE UNITED STATES ((((((((*

A dozen exact fits are too many to discount. This historic data is virtually unassailable.

© Copyright 2005, Ellis Skolfield

Miracle of the Day‐Years

536BC 5

5 Daniel prophesied both ends of the 69 Weeks in 536BC! 5

5 5

5 5 Prophecy Start Date 5 444BC 32-33AD 5 *((((((((((((( 69 WEEKS (((((((((((((*

NOTE:  When the Lord gave the vision of the Seventy Weeks to Daniel, the Decree of Artaxerxes of Dan 9:24 wasstill 92 years in his future.  Both ends of the Seventy Weeks were still in Daniel's future. The same is true for theprophetic Day‐Years of Revelation.

© Copyright 2005, Ellis Skolfield

Daniel Prophesies the 1290 days here 533BC

* * * John is here, 95AD

583BC * * 688AD *(((((( 1290 DAYS of DAN 12:11 ((((((* * * *Dome of the Rock *Construction * * 1967AD Jerusalem Freed, Rev 11:2 *((((((((( 42 MONTHS ((((((((((((* * * Witnesses Dead in the City, Rev 11:9 *((((((((( 3 & 1/2 DAYS (((((((((* * * Leopard-Bear-Lion Beast, Rev 13:5 *((((((((( 42 MONTHS ((((((((((((* * * 1948AD Two Witnesses, Rev 12:6 *((((((((( 1260 DAYS (((((((((* * * Woman in the Wilderness, Rev 11:3 *((((((((( 1260 DAYS (((((((((* * *

NOTE:   When John saw these “days,” the Dome of the Rock was still about 573 years in his futureand new Israel and a freed Jerusalem were still about 1850 years away.

© Copyright 2005, Ellis Skolfield

“Son of man,What is that proverb that ye have,saying the days are prolonged,and every vision faileth?”

É“Tell them therefore,

Thus saith the Lord GOD;I will make this proverb to cease,

and they shall no more use it as a proverb;but say unto them, The days are at hand,and the fulfillment of every vision.”

Excerpts from Ezekiel 12:22­23