Agile/Lean Startup IT Portfolio Management - No Longer Oxymorphic!



Centralized development resources are commonplace in many of the late adopter organizations that struggle with Agile transformations. These centralized development resources tend to be doubly damming on the organization trying to become Agile: they lead to project thinking and management (rather than product thinking and leadership), and they lead to small incremental product development optimizations (rather than broad scale new and disruptive product breakouts). This session focuses on the mechanics of a portfolio management technique intended to guide the organization into the use of Lean Startup thinking to challenge Product Managers with, paired with the right type of fiscal rigor to make CFOs happy. Examples of how a Lean Startup Business Model Canvas can be paired with lightweight cost projections and revenue forecasts will be presented, with encouragement for organizations to specialize the artifact to suit their particular needs.

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