Question 4.pptm


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Question 4Who would be the audience for your media product?

Denisa Tal , Oreoluwa Shoyinka

❧ By being a thriller/crime movie , ‘Clean Cut’ is going to be directed to viewers that enjoy this particular genre and the feeling of suspense and mystery. Although, ‘Clean Cut’ is a thriller/crime , the film also adopts some comedy characteristics and does not include morbid scenes. Therefore, the film can also be viewed by audiences that are not as interested in thriller/crime movies.

❧Age targetIn terms of the age target, ‘Clean Cut’ is going to be

aimed for 16+ viewers.The reason behind it is because, although thriller/crime movies are aimed for 18+ audiences because of the amount of violence that they include, ‘Clean Cut’ does not contain any disturbing scenes that can affect younger viewers.

At the same time,in terms of demographics, we have decided to aim our opening sequence to younger viewers(16+) because they can relate more to the characters presented in the film, due to the fact that all characters are 16+.

‘Clean Cut ‘ will also be suitable for a more mature audience(25+) because as my research shows ,this particular category enjoys films that request participation , engaging the brain and thinking outside the box.
