Facebook, beyond the algorithm


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Facebook, beyond the



Facebook’s News Feed algorithm has undergone significant changes

in the past two years.

As a result, many brands are abandoning ship in favour of

platforms they believe will deliver higher organic reach.



Changes to the News Feed don’t mean you need to give up on Facebook, just refine your approach and expectations.

This presentation will give you some of our tips for Facebook marketing success.


It’s not the size; it’s the motion in the ocean


Users are now getting more involved with Facebook groups outside of their friend network, connecting with people who have shared interests.

Try to cultivate this kind of tight-knit community based on your target audience’s interests and engage your audience in real time.

Smaller, more active communities are more likely to be successful on Facebook.


Link overload


As a whole, the network has become overpopulated with news and content from sites like Buzzfeed.

Instead of posting links, engage users with text, images and videos within Facebook itself.

Facebook posts receive more interaction without links.


Make it mobile


According to a report by Deloitte, ‘one in 6 UK adults who own a smartphone look at their phone more than 50 times a day.

Ensure your content is optimised for a mobile audience.

76.93% of Facebook’s monthly user base access from a mobile device.


Catch the trend


When you deliver the right message in the right place at the right moment, not only do you intelligently become part of the conversation – you create brand retention in more ways than one.

When a post relates to a trending conversation, it is more likely to show in the News Feed.


Get smart with your advertising


This means that the people that do see your ad are more likely to interact and convert to a sale.

However, you should make sure your campaigns are carefully targeted by age, location and interest to reach these potential customers.

Users have some control over which ads they see in their News Feed.

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