Andrew goodwin musc video theory


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Andrew Goodwin

Dancing in the distraction factory

Andrew Goodwin believes that pop videos do not follow the traditional structure of novels and films, instead they are approached from a different angle. Goodwin believes the reason for this is as follows:

• pop videos are based around songs and songs do not follow a certain structure

• the artist of the song is used as a narrator and a character

• the singer breaks the fourth wall and looks directly at the camera creating an instant connection with the viewer by involving them.

An example of this is in sam smith video stay with me, here he is constatnly looking towards the camera narrating.

Andrew Goodwin came to the conclusion that some music videos visualisation may go beyond the original meaning of the song or sometimes the video may provide visual pleasure that may encourage the viewer to repeatedly watch the video over and over and sometimes the video may promote other things such as films.

goodwin then grouped these conclusions into 3 categories

• Illustration • amplification • conjuncture

ILLUSTRATION If a music video tells the story of the lyrics and expresses

them through their literal meaning, then this is called Illustration.

an example of this would be the music video of ‘fireflies’ by Owl city , this is a perfect example of illustration because everytime the artists sings the word ‘fireflies’ , fireflies appear on the screen illustrating the lyrics.

Link to video:

AMPLIFICATION amplification occurs when the video adds new meaning to the

song however do not contradict the lyrics, some may see this is as a ‘deeper meaning’

An example of amplification is Amy whinehouses ‘Back to Black’ music video here amy winehouse sings about an end to a relationship with a partner she loved, in the video she attends a funeral, this may interpret an ending to not only a relationship but a life of someone she loved.

Link to video:

Disjuncture Disjuncture is when the video has little to do with the

meaning of the song and does not interpret the lyrics or it may even contradict the lyrics,it usually does not seem to ‘make sense’, however it could create new meaning.

An example of disjuncture would be fat boy slims ‘praise you’ his lyrics consist of him saying “ive got to praise you like i should” however the music video is of elderly people dancing franticly in public


RECOGNISABLE FEATURES: Finally Goodwin mentions the fact that music videos of a

particular genre have easily recognisable features, for example in hip hop videos what is mostly associated and seen in them is; flashy cars, jewellery , attractive women posed in a sexual way. Goodwin also believes women are seen in a males gaze (sexually) in music videos, even if the artist is a female.

Flashy car


Cleavage in a lace dress is sexually provocative

Position of female and exposure of tlong legs+thighs