Blendle-The creation in journalism


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Startups & Journalism

What is Blendle?What is Blendle?

A journalistic venture with an ambitious target:A journalistic venture with an ambitious target:

““Like the real thing, but on your screen”Like the real thing, but on your screen”

“The goal: put all newspapers and magazines in the country behind one (quite sexy) paywall, and make it so easy to use that young people start paying for journalism again”, says Alexander Klöpping


“Journalism need an iTunes” “All the articles of a country are available for

reading in a single application and payable by a single wallet”

It demonstrates the value of qualitative journalism

It sees itself as the main infrastructure provider, relating to transactions for quality journalism



It isIt is......

A startup idea of constructiong an online journalistic platform of “micropayments”

Inspired by the need for journalism “without advertising, subscriptions or clickbaits”

Constructed in 2013 and started its trial operation on April 28, 2014

By Alexander Klöpping & Marten BlankesteijnIn Holland

Each article is priced by the publisher from 0.10 to 0.99 euro

The Blendle receives a 30% from each article

The usual price of each article is about 0.15-0,30 euro

It pIt proposes a new business model

Far away from the so far normal business model

Rejecting the business practices of the premium & the constant paywalls

Based on the fact that 41% of young people already use ad-blocking plugins

Pay-per-article logic

It offers a platform where all publishers can publish and all users can read the article, they wish paying a very small amount

In a very simple way the user can be registered into the platform, while giving the details of his credit card (only once at the beginning of the process)

Whenever clicks on an article the corresponding amount is being removed from his credit card

In particularIn particular......

The Payment is completely "frictionless": Users pay with a simple click

“Our users are people who want to read what they like, but only pay for what they really loved. We believe this is the most fair deal out there”

“At Blendle, we hate paywalls”

The idea of Klopping & Blankesteijn

Qualitative journalism with micropayments

In its trial function it was funded by the Dutch government

Within the first year 3 million. euros in

stocks were invested by NYT &


Within the first year acquired about 250,000 users

The project

From 9/14/14 it is available in Germany,

with 100 major publishers to

participate in the platform

It counts about 550,000 users in

Europe, of which the vast majority are

below 35 years old

It has signed with New York Times, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist,

Washington Post => From the beginning of

2016 it will be available in America

Micropayments for journalism can work, but not for news

Users punish clickbaits –they are asking for refunds

People only pay for a worthy content. So in Blendle only qualitative journalism becomes a trend. Only 5% of the cases requested for a refund

Micro payments and refunds are a dipstick of quality

One year of functioning revealed that

It is called the “iTunes of journalism”

It proves that the people want to pay for good journalism

The mobile version is used by 60% of its users (10% more than most of the new applications)

Articles that sell best are the biggest, with a theoretical background, an analysis & the personal view of the author

“We are honored that three of the most important newspapers worldwide will begin to work with us”, Klopping

“In Germany Blendle spreads more than 4 times faster than it does in the Netherlands”, Blankesteijn

Thank You!!!Thank You!!!
