Scaling up Innovation through Living Lab


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The City of Montreal is very proud to have been recognized as the Intelligent Community of the year 2016 by the Intelligent Community Forum. To be ranked among the most proactive and inspiring intelligent communities is a great achievement

Although, being a smart city is a work in progress and there is still a lot of work to do in Montreal.

But we have a solid methodology that allows to support our leitmotiv: To be human, open and innovative

Vision et finalits

Develop and deploy, in a human, open and innovative way, and in co-cration with its citizens, technological solutions to respond to the great urban challenges the metropolis faces.Vision

More precisely, our vision is to develop and deploy, in a human, open and innovative way, and in co-cration with its citizens, technological solutions to respond to the great urban challenges the metropolis faces.

Understand Great urbain challenges as:development of prosperous economy

the resolution of social issues

and cultural enrichment

Our Living Lab:An original Mix // Library + Art + Technology

CocreationExploration Exprimentationvaluation

Social Innovation Technological Innovation CARE

Take care: Of commonsOf communityOf peopleBIBLIO LAB _ New Experience

AppropriationLearningEmpowermentLIVING LAB

One way We have taken to operationalize this vision is at the intersection of 3 movements: the Living Lab BiblioLab who mix Library + Art + Technology.

The LL approach is used as a facilitator of the relationship between technological experiments and their social implications. On the one hand, to connect and cocreate solutions with the ecosystem of actors, including Citizens and on the other, to facilitate the appropriation of the innovation and to empowered people.

On the heart of the project: the Taking Care Idea (ie.: Human, open, innovative). Taking Care at 3 levels: people, community and commons.

Finally, why Biblio Lab ? Because of course we are talking about public Library in this project. The primary question was : How to renew the experience of libraries to respond to the needs and creative capacity of citizens ?

The Origin of the Project

The origin of the project is important to think about the scaling up. In my opinion, 3 things were significant in the development of this project of Living Lab.

1. Montral Smart City: a co-creation processby and for citizens

A triggering Element

A new finding:

Public Library as :Accessible and innovative place

Digital and technological environment

Support to an inclusive and engaged community

2) A new IdeaDigital Literacy Lab

Citizen engagement

First, the project comes from a direct need and desire directly expressed by citizens.

We implement various innovative devices based on co-creation with citizens and all stakeholders and depending the issues and the nature of the solutions that we sought. Among them: hackathon, co-design workshops, open forums, Cooprathon, etc.).

City departments and boroughs, entrepreneurial ecosystem and community shared an action plan unfolds around several sectors of social utility:

Smart mobility

Participatory Democracy

Digital Public Services

So in 2014, we launched a wave of citizen conversations to understand the needs and desires of people of Montreal. During these conversations, several issues and ideas were proposed. Among them: The Digital Literacy and a Living Lab to transform Library as : accessible, technologic, inclusive and human place.

So it was the trigger for a specific program in 2015 and the first steps toward a Lab.

2. Public Library : towards experimentation places

A gradual transformation already on its way:

Rethinking the library experience to the citizens: systematic service design process

Collectively innovate and create public goods: Fablabs in Library

Second, a gradual transformation of Public Library was already on its way in Montreal for several years.

The public spaces of yesterday who had very clear vocations like hospital, library, etc. become today spaces dedicated to open innovation, places to experiment in real conditions with the citizens new solutions for the development of their territory.

And Montrals public and private sectors are starting to invest massively in culture, with technology as a support to economic growth and public spaces appropriation.

Since 2013, libraries have implemented a number of projects to stimulate co-creation with citizens and becoming a new third place in their communities:

A service design process is today systematic in new Library to rethink their experience for and with the citizens

Several Fablabs in Library projects were experimented and the first completed Fablab Benny was launched in August 2016.

3. A recognized experience in Living Lab and Immersive Technology

SocietyArtsTechnologyThird, we could rely on animation techniques of the community, technology and advanced research, already existing here.

Since 2010, SAT (Society of Art and Technology) manage an ENoLL Living Lab on Health Care. They particularly develop immersive experiences to manage Children s pain, Teenagers Mental Health and Communication Disorders or Parental Empathy at Ste Justines Hospital.

Its also a Hub which catalyses the discovery of new usages of digital art devices through an LL approach, to contribute to the emergence of a thriving society and support the new generation of digital natives across the metropolitan territory.

BIBLIOLABA third space - hybrid of third places So this is the project !

Based on Telepresence and Distributed Spaces technology, the Living Lab wants to experiment new services / usages for Public library, like : master classes, conferences, collaborative workshops, storytelling hours, etc. and to allow citizens located in different locations to interact together and to live the experience collectively.

Year 1. Technological components & Experimentation

Year 1: Technological components & experimentationIts a 3-year project, we are in the first year: definition of technological components (au centre) and collaboration with users (en haut droite) on an iterative basis (en haut au centre)

Scaling up
social innovation: creating conditions for success

Culture of innovation is a mindsetA shared Smart City strategy and vision

A public organization ready for change and transformation

Expertises, technologies, scientific knowledge available in regional ecosystem

Living Lab approach, cross-partnerships structure in a culture of cocreation and experimentation

CARE was already a common mission (or a desire) for all stakeholders

So this project transforms and will continue to transform public Library services, interior design and people interactions with culture. Thats something we can call scaling up social innovation!

But we benefited of very good conditions at the beginning, anyway some agility elements:- (Strategy): A shared Smart City Strategy and a citizen mobilization around this vision(Culture of Innovation) A Public organization, the library department, ready for change

(Resources and capabilities of the ecosystem) Expertises, Technologies, Scientific Knowledge easy available in Regional Ecosystem

And with the Living Lab approach, we add on an agile structure:To support Stakeholders management and lasting bond with citizens

To give a common operational structure around common values

One of important element is that the CARE was already a common value, it was in the heart of the mission of the two projects leaders (SAT and City of Montral) and it referred at a need of citizens and at the smart City Vision (Human, Open, Innovative).

Next step for scaling up: How to close the loop ? Living Lab + Change Management

CocreationExploration Exprimentationvaluation

AppropriationLearningEmpowermentSocial Innovation Technological Innovation

Change Management

Scaling up a social innovation refers to redesigning public administration in some way.Or even if cultural change is underway, as is the case in Montral, in large and complex organizations such as local, regional or national government, systemic change can possibly be based on the Living Lab approach but must be accompanied by iterative change management methodologies.

In the same way we experiment in real conditions with all stakeholders an innovation in a Living Lab, we need to experiment in a secure space new operational elements of a proper delivering public service, new collaborative or technological capabilities, etc.

Immersive technology might be part of the answer, so we continue in the Living Lab in this way. In this perspective, several living lab collaborating on the development of an experimental protocol to restore the ecosystem in which all stakeholders working and to archive their knowledge. The aim is to experiment the impact of each stakeholder action on the others. And ultimately, to induce behavior changes if its needed.




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