Journalistenenquête 2012 - Quadrant Communications - MediaNet Vlaanderen #medianetvl



De hoofdlijnen van de journalistenenquête die we in februari - maart 2012 hebben gehouden bij de Belgische journalisten, voorgesteld op het debat "De toekomst op het spel" op 3 mei 2012, georganiseerd door MediaNet Vlaanderen #medianetvl

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Journalistenenquête 2012Quadrant Communications


About the survey

• February-March 2012• 330 responses (1,800 invited)• Follow-up of similar surveys in

2009, 2010• This year’s scope: Belgian

journalists’ view on their future

For professional reasons, I’m using ..


51 %2010: 18%2009: 9%

For professional reasons, I’m using ..


64 %2010: 26%2009: 15%

For professional reasons, I’m using ..

2010: 16%2010: 24%

2010: 77%

2010: 86,5%

We have clear guidelines for using social media

For professional reasons, I’m using ..


60 %Paid for by employer: 23%Own device: 37%

For professional reasons, I’m using ..


31 %Paid for by employer: 7%Own device: 24%

Tablets will make printed publications disappear

Social media are competing with my publication

Social media have improved journalism

Citizen journalism is ..

We experience commercial pressure

My organisation’s HR processes are improving

Have you received training to manage your team

How satisfied are you about your salary?

How confident are you about your career perspectives?

How satisfied are you about your job?

Bedankt voor het luisteren!

Frank De
