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Fascism Rises in Europe

Fascism Rises in Europe

Fascism’s Rise in italy

• Fascism - militant political movement, emphasized loyalty to state and obedience to leader

• Similar to communism - ruled by dictators, one party system, no individual rights, but believed classes had place in society

• Italians unhappy - no land gains after WWI, rising inflation, high unemployment , democratic government seemed helpless

• Benito Mussolini - newspaper editor and politician, promised to rescue Italy by improving economy and rebuilding military

• Founds Fascist Party in 1919, plays on fears of workers’ revolt to get support from middle, upper class

• 1922 30,000 Fascists march on Rome, demand King Emmanuel III put Mussolini in charge of gov’t.

• Mussolini now “Il Duce”(the leader) - makes major changes.....

• Il Duce’s Changes

• Abolish democracy, outlaw all other political parties

• Jail opponents

• Government censorship of broadcasts, publications

• Outlaws strikes

• Benito Mussolini “Il Duce”

Hitler Rises to power in germany

• Adolph Hitler won 2 “Iron Cross” awards in WWI, joined National Socialist German Worker’s Party - policies of this group foundation for German fascism known as Nazism

• Organizer and speaking skills led Hitler to be chosen der Furer (leader) of Nazi party

• Inspired by Mussolini, tries to seize power in 1923 but is arrested

• Writes Mein Kampf (My Struggle) in jail, stating goals and beliefs

• Germans (incorrectly Aryans) = master race

• Versailles Treaty an outrage - lands would be regained

• Germany overcrowded, needed more lebensraum (living space)

• Revives Nazi party after release

• Paid little attention until Great Depression - Germans look to him for security and strong leadership

Hitler Becomes Chancellor

• Nazis become largest political party, President names Hitler chancellor (thinking he can control him)

• Hitler bans other political parties, opponents jailed

• SS (Schutzstaffel) created - protection squad, loyal only to Hitler, Gestapo (secret police) becomes part of SS

• Uses propaganda, book burnings and Hitler Youth (boys) League of German Girls to ensure obedience

• Anti-Semitism (hatred of Jewish people) key part of Nazi ideology

• Less than 1% of pop., but Jewish people used as scapegoats (blamed) for problems

• Laws passed taking many rights from Jewish people

• Violence against them increases - Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass), Nazi mobs attack homes, businesses and synagogues

other countries fall to dictators

• Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania all become dictatorships-suspend constitutions

• Czechoslovakia only democracy in eastern Europe

• mid 1930s world’s powerful countries split - democratic vs totalitarian