Audience research3


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Audience research

Rolling StoneThis magazine is surrounded with neutral colours and initiates both genders as their audience. The models on the magazine are provocative and are wearing little clothing to empower their sexuality on the magazine. The models covering the mast head evidently suggest that this is a well known magazine and the full title doesn’t need to be shown for the audience to purchase this magazine. We can see from the reader profile of this magazine that the male audience is more popular than female, and the most popular age range seems to be from 18 to 49. This implies that the magazine has a big age range for their audiences. A young teenager could buy this magazine on his way home from college according to his music taste or interest, and the same goes to a fully qualified married man,he might flick through the pages on his lunch break. This is due to the magazine being experienced with different types of music over the years. Rolling stone, especially in the states is a big deal, huge stars have been on the cover and many people respect the review that Rolling Stone has on specific topics.

NMEOn the two examples on the right hand side, we can see that both the magazines are neutral colours. The main colour used is red and it hasn’t been addressed as a male or female colour so we imply that the it is aimed for both sexes. The age range would probably be 16-24 year old as the artists on the covers are from the younger generation. The social grade again would be working class because they could buy it from the left overs from a job that they have. An interest in music, reviews and strong opinions is vital to buy this magazine as that is what it is aimed at. The way the magazine is laid out is a simple yet effective as the picture takes up most of the front cover. Both magazines have a neutral audience yet a more of a male audience is given off as the way Amy is posed in a sexual way as she is giving direct eye contact to the audience which could be seen as intimidating.

Blender The age range that this magazine aims at 16-24 year olds. The colours used on the magazine such as purple and pink exhort a female audience as stereotypically pink and purple have connotations of young girls. The type of language that is used on the magazine also reflects this. ‘Kiss N Tell’ suggest that it is aimed more at the younger generation. Its social grade is aimed at working class because the viewers could have Saturday jobs and have some money spare to spend on buying a specific magazine. The hobbies that the people that read this magazine might have could include fashion, music and also gossip. The magazine is a feminine coloured magazine that would attract probably more the female gender, not just because of the colours but also the pop star that is on the front of it. Huge fans of Katy Perry might interested in buying it as they might want to keep up to date with her all exclusive appearances. The way she is posed could also attract females as young girls may inspire to look like her, and could be interested in wanting to be sexy and confident just like she is.

To make sure my magazine fit my audiences I decided to conduct a survey to allow the audience to have an incite of what I want to produce for my magazine. I'm aiming my magazine to be for a young audience between on 16-24 as most obviously it was the most popular results. My magazine is Pop/Hip Hop based and this age range would be ideal. I could address this audience by using model their age and style that they would recognise in our modern society. Also I could use bands that I have found from my research that this audience would enjoy and be interested in.


Price, Male/Female

The majority of my responses are women, therefore I will target my magazine towards women. This means I could use feminine colour schemes to attract women to my magazine. The fact that the percentage is nearly 50/50 shows that I could aim some aspects to men, by using revealing women on the front of the magazine.

From this information I can see that the price range that is most popular ranges from £1.50 to around £3.00. this is useful for me as my age range is quite a young audience, meaning that they wont have to pay a lot of money on my magazine if I decide to go with this price. Being in the younger generation means that you wont want to pay a lot of money for a magazine which suits what I want to do.
