Mobile product - "Build great apps!" at ProductTank Paris #17

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1. BUILD GREAT MOBILE APPS @AlexJubien 2. @AlexJubien Pioneer of mobile development 3. 2003 - 2007 Games Apps Dev / CTO 4. Deezer Viadeo (main competitor of Spotify) (main competitor of Linkedin) 2008 - 2012 Head of Mobile (Product) 5. Currently Independent consultant in Mobile Strategy (LeKiosk, Direct Energie, Merck MSD) Speaker, lecturer, trainer Startups coach & advisor 6. App = Product 7. Prism of skills 8. Product Management methodologies: Qualitative Marketing + design+ dev Lean Startup, Customer Development, Design Thinking, Agile User interviews Prototyping, Beta test Different from: Quantitative Marketing Product Marketing Market study / surveys Focus groups Classical Marketing methodologies WhoWhat Understand needs, problems and desires or users Find and develop the right solutions that will get them satisfied Ongoing effort, continuous evolution Growth, Love, Money How Why Build products that people Love! (and effectively use) Product Manager UX & Design Tech, R&D, innovation Marketing, Product Mktg, Sales Strategy, Business, Finance (Digital) Product Management 9. Find the right product + Build it right and make it great! Product that people love = 10. Customer development / Lean Startup + Build it right and make it great! Product that people love = 11. Customer development / Lean Startup + Agile / Scrum and make it great! Product that people love = 12. Customer development / Lean Startup + Agile / Scrum Design / UX Product that people love = 13. Few methodology tips 14. Ice-breaker Approach For multi-platform development (iOS, Android, web app, etc.) Don't launch developments in parallel Use one of the platforms as a Ice-Breaker 15. Pros Lessons learnt from one project will serve you on other projects: Product decisions Technical decisions Methodology / ongoing improvement Especially useful for API settings 16. Pros Lessons learnt from one project will serve you on other projects: Product decisions Technical decisions Methodology / ongoing improvement Especially useful for API settings Parallel development is still possible, but you have to be smart about it: each platform is an ice-breaker for the other on a given feature(split and switch) 17. MVP for an app? Consider Manual first via SMS! AppsFactory kind of CMS that builds native apps (Mobile Roadie, Apps Builder, AppMachine) 18. #MobileRevolution 19. 2015, The Year Of Mobile! 20. 2015, The Year Of Mobile! 21. Mobile A technology without precedent in humanity history! More activated SIM cards than people on the planet Higher adoption than the pen and the toothbrush!!! Inspiration from Mobile Guru @TomiAhonen 22. 2005 Election of Benedict XVI 2013 Ordination of pope Francis Game of differences 23. Revolution Mobile has profoundly changed our daily lives, so much that its becoming an extension of our brains. 24. Why? 25. Anywhere, Anytime1 26. Even here 75% ! 27. Gender parity 28. Theres an app for that! 29. The 1st ever connected device that people have on them at all times 30. Connected COMPUTING device = Solve problems = Utility 31. Our life companion 32. Design for interruption PC/Tablet = Scuba diving Mobile = Snorkelling Rachel @Hinman 33. Design for interruption Divided attention Plan for interruptions => save state Plan for application re-entry 34. Design for interruption Divided attention Plan for interruptions => save state Plan for application re-entry And don't be too interruptive either! (notifications) 35. Design for micro-moments Micro moments are brief interactions where apps can capture the attention of users and anticipate their needs in 5-10 seconds interactions (several times a day). 36. Micro interactions / Micro engagements The details are not the details. They make the design. - Charles Eames 37. Interactive notifications Inspiration Guide - by Urban Airship 38. Interactive notifications 39. + Ask for permissions nicely! The right way to ask iOS users for permissions 40. + Ask natively when possible 41. Digital World / Physical World 2 42. Use of Digital / Real Life 43. Mobile is the magic wand to digitize everything, including real world! Original quote by @AjitJaokar 44. Scan physical world Goggles Google Translate Shazam Winewoo FotoTiger Gaumont Anything(?) Music Movies Wine Facial recognition 45. Augmented Reality Geolocation M-Commerce M-Payment 46. M2Store & Purchase Companion Store locator, offers / coupons, product info, price comparison Prixing Dcathlon by Vente Prive Shopkick 47. Powered by Amazon Scan & Buy 48. Scan real world 49. Anchor in physical world: Butler mode John Paul What if your app was a real person? Ex Deezer, Viadeo 50. Immediacy3 51. 5 h TV Weather Time needed to get info 52. 5 h TV Web 5 m Weather Time needed to get info 53. 5 h TV Web 5 m Mobile 5 s Weather Time needed to get info 54. Pizza of death! 55. Your wishes granted 5s Want to listen to a music track Need to call a work contact 5s Deezer Viadeo 56. Design for speed Content caching Instant actions that work offline Improve perceived speed Network awareness Reduction of latency, grouping and compression 57. Offline 1st = optimise speed 58. Content caching Some content is accessible in off-line mode (caching or synchronisation) This content can be used immediately The application starts up in offline mode then connects at a subsequent stage E.g.: Deezer, Pocket, Slideshare, Viadeo 59. Instant actions that work offline Action 'registered' immediately Request sent when next connected Examples within Pocket, Mail, Shazam: sending, tags, marking read... You can act even without a network connection! 60. Network awareness Consider: different app behaviour depending on the network E.g. for a social networking app Wi-Fi: pre-caching of contacts and contact profile images in the background, data via HTTPS due to lack of security 3G: standard operation, no HTTPS (too network- intensive) 2G/Edge: cut-down operation, no image loading 61. Latency time 62. Latency 2G: up to 5 seconds! time 63. Latency 1 sec 2 sec 3 sec 64. Latency => Grouping 1 sec 2 sec 3 sec 65. Grouping + compression (Zip) 1 sec 2 sec 3 sec 66. Compression Consider: when serving a list request, include element data Using compression, this is not too heavy on the network But has an impact server-side 67. Perceived speed At a minimum, improve the user's perception: Load minimally required data up front Possible actions 68. Perceived speed At a minimum, improve the user's perception: Load minimally required data up front Possible actions Load secondary data 69. Ease Of Use4 70. Ease of use 71. On mobile, UX is EXTREMELY important ! 72. Failure: trying to be (too) innovative with the UI/UX 73. Failure: trying to be (too) innovative with the UI/UX Risky, requires expertise, costly! Focus on core functionality as a differentiator Counterexamples / need for differentiation: Flipboard, Fantastical, Mailbox,, Path, 74. Do not re-invent the wheel Apple, Google, MS etc. have invested millions in the operating system UI/UX Make the most of the OS's basic components / guidelines / most used apps Your users will feel at home 75. Design / customisation e.g. Toolbar (iOS 6) Mail message Viadeo message Deezer Playlist 76. Design / customisation e.g. Toolbar (iOS 7) Mail message Viadeo message Deezer Playlist 77. Patterns 78. Animations Shiny wizz wizz VS Serve a purpose Zoom in / former Viadeo home See Material Design / Motion - link 79. Beware of fashion trends! Side menu could cost you half your user engagement! Menu Tabs 80. The Mystery Meat of Mobile Navigation Ux-HowTo channel 81. Workflows VS Screens Design workflows rather than screens 82. Consistency 83. Consistency throughout flow Home News Profile 84. Consistency throughout flow Home News Profile 85. Consistency throughout app 86. Consistency throughout app 87. Consistency throughout app 88. Consistency throughout app 89. Consistency throughout app 90. Consistency throughout app 91. Prototyping Test the flow! Invision Pop 92. Reducing Points Of Friction 5 93. Friction Things that prevent users / consumers from moving forward 94. Private car rental between individuals Issue = picking up keys Getaround Carkit Techcrunch: Reduce Friction, Increase Happyness 95. Anti Friction Services (the french Open Table) (french / train travels) 96. On-boarding Put more work into the initial contact with the service (login, sign-up, home screen) 97. Regularly test the new user experience Upsell features / call to action On-boarding 98. Helpdesk / In-App LiveChat Video InApp LiveChat (EN) 99. Solving problems AppStore comments (jungle) Collect feedbacks, listen helpdesk Analytics / understand when and where problems happen User interviews ( la Cust Dev) 100. QA matters What if your app IS the point of FRICTION? Not updated instantly, bad ratings, users drop off Service providers: Stardust, Applause, Ferpection Interim students 101. Reviews / ratings Are you satisfied? 102. Reviews / ratings Are you satisfied? Rate the app! Yes App store 103. Reviews / ratings Are you satisfied? Rate the app! Give us your feedback Yes No App store 104. Reviews / ratings Are you satisfied? Rate the app! Give us your feedback Yes No App store The right way to ask users to review your app 105. Reviews / ratings: Use Case: LeKiosk !!! 106. In-App feedback Put this in place to: Encourage high ratings Avoid negative reviews Turn dissatisfied users into satisfied users + good ratings Gather feedback and (product) suggestions 107. Great directory of tools 108. Private car rental between individuals Issue = picking up keys Getaround Carkit Techcrunch: Reduce Friction, Increase Happyness 109. Hub Of Sensors & IoT6 110. On mobile, contextis King! Context = Place + Time + Purpose 111. On mobile, contextis King! Context = Place + Time + Purpose "Context aware" apps: Google provides tools for in-app context detection (driving, walking, at work...) 112. Mobile is at the Heart of the Internet Of Things 6 Mega-Trends for Mobile in 2015 by Azetone 113. miCoach Adidas miCoach Sports coaching 114. Thermostat Nest 115. Key takeways (so far!) 1. Anchor your app experience in real world / real life 2. Design workflows with consistency in mind 3. Design for interruptions & micromoments 4. Design for speed and think offline first 5. Get feedback and reduce friction 6. Make your app context aware 116. Adding sensors is like adding powers 117. Superpowers?7 118. Are you telepathic? 119. Call = Transmission of thought 1.0: 30 second latency (time for calling) Need to speak out loud Doesnt always work => messaging 120. When Technology meets Sci-Fi 121. Power Version Mobile powered Transmission of thought 1.0 Omniscience (Wikipdia) 0.8 Telekinesis (IoT) 0.3 Controlling time (self orga) 0.3 Predicting the future (big data) 0.1 Being invicible / healing (mHealth) 0.3 Firing lightening bolts 0 Flying 0.5 Teleportation 0.1 Collective conscience / intelligence 2.0 + 3D printing! 122. To be heroes of mobile, provide Superpowers to your users! 123. Thx! Alexandre Jubien Mobile Strategist Pioneer of mobile 12 years ago! Apps & Mobile Startups expert Previously Head of Mobile at Viadeo Previously Head of Mobile at Deezer Blog @AlexJubien Contact: About: ThinkMobile Newsletter (Mobile, Innovation, Startups)
