How to create a product culture? You can do this! @maa1

ProductTank AMS - How to create a product culture - Marc Abraham

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How to create a product culture?

You can do this!


What is product culture?

Customer understanding Value proposition

Business model & position @maa1


Product culture components:

Shared vision, mission & values Product mindset Customer centric

Clear goals Great people

Continuous learning

What I found on my 1st day:

Very successful business ‘Build it and they will come’

What is UX or product!? @maa1


Asking “why?” That’s where product

culture starts


Leading without authority Developers want Agile

Stakeholders want Gantt charts People living in ‘peace time’ Safe to experiment and fail?

Don’t be a bulldozer!


Pick your battles!@maa1

Start small but targeted:

Product vision Mission statement

Manifesto OKRs Data



Our product vision:

“Making international growth simple”


For (target customer)

Who (statement of the need or opportunity)

The (product name) is a (product category)

That (key benefit, compelling reason to buy)

Unlike (primary competitive alternative)

Our product (statement of primary differentiation)

Mission statement: Which problems are we solving NOW?


Hilton Hotels example: Vision / Mission / Values @maa1

Aspirational Long term

This is what we are doing


Embody these values in everything we do

Hire and fire accordingly


Values underpinning a product culture:

Curious Courageous

Inventive Open

Experiment Learn


Our team values and principles:


“IT mindset”

Scale and execution Doing what “the business”



“Product mindset”

It’s about the customer stupid!

Constant innovation @maa1@maa1


How do we become more customer centric?

5 customers every fortnight Team based user research

‘Exposure Hours’ Feel what users feel

‘Product Retrospectives’



Hire and fire for the right values and behaviours

‘Product Janitors’



Netflix aren’t afraid to hire and fire


Clear goals:

“Acquire better, process better”

Individual OKRs for “Acquire better, process better”


Objective 4 - Improve on core metrics constantly and iteratively


1. Ensure that those clients who complete the registration form become 6 out of every 10 by the end of December ’17.

2. Create a bespoke onboarding experience for our Asian clients, and increase registration completion to 60% by end of December ’17 from 40% currently.

3. Works toward reducing the onboarding error rate by 10% globally by end of June ’17.

Continuous learning:

Measurable Data driven hypotheses

Full transparency



Iterative improvements and innovation

You can drive product culture!

1. Create and share your product vision 2. Bring the customer into the building and share! 3. Facilitate product retrospectives









Links for further learning


Slide 2 - http://www.mindtheproduct.com/2011/10/what-exactly-is-a-product-manager/ Slide 3 - http://www.theboardgamefamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/LEGOs.jpg Slide 4 - http://sustainablejill.com/the-importance-of-good-focus/magnifying-glass/ Slide 5 - https://parabolasales.com/2016/07/24/why-do-we-do-it-this-way/ Slide 6 - http://www.clipartbest.com/warning-signs-danger Slide 7 - https://hostted.com/bulldozer-clipart/ Slide 8 - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Battle_of_New_Orleans.jpg Slide 9 - http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/do-you-want-to-succeed-online-start-small-01292881 Slide 10 - https://plus.google.com/+worldfirst/videos Slide 12/13 - http://www.hiltonworldwide.com/about/mission/ Slide 14 - https://thefinancialbrand.com/4410/banks-core-values/ Slide 16 - http://www.touchfinancial.co.uk/scaling-up-your-business/ Slide 17 - http://www.atlascorps.org/blog/?p=13712 Slide 18 - http://agilesyndicate.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/inspect-and-adapt-your-retrospective.html Slide 19 - https://www.lego.com/en-gb/minifigures/characters/janitor-4e9937bd82524499bdd36f44705f08c3 Slide 20 - http://www.slideshare.net/reed2001/culture-1798664/23-Were_a_team_not_a Slide 21 - http://x-seed.in/customer-acquisition-cost-the-masked-killer/ Slide 23 - http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/p/keep-quiet-and-let-the-data-speak/ Slide 25 - http://www.driversedguru.com/drivers-ed-training-exercises/stage-1/stage-1-steering-methods/

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