Tactics to take your Charity Fundraising to the Next Level: Ronn Torossian Foundation


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Tactics to Take Your Charity Fundraising Efforts to the Next Level

Spreading the message of a charity for a good cause is not always easy, especially when you are attempting to do so on a local level and if you have a limited budget and support. Learning new tactics when managing a charity is a way to stand out while also having the ability to spread any message you have in mind to a designated target audience of potential customers or shoppers.

Build a Social Media Presence

Building a social media presence is essential for all charities when doing so online. Launch a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest account to reach thousands if not millions of users who are interested in charities and following or supporting good causes. Be sure to stay actively involved and engaged with hashtags and phrases that are relevant to your charity and the type of giving back you are participating in.

Create Contests and Giveaways

Hosting giveaways and contests using online pages, your official website and social media is also a way for spread the word and message of your charity whenever you are seeking new methods of fundraising. Spreading the word of the fundraiser you are hosting online is a way for you to get more donations while also sharing the actual charity you represent with other users right from home.

Stay Consistent

Having online fundraisers is ideal when you need to maintain consistency any time you are sharing new products, services or information regarding your charity and the message you are trying to convey. The more consistent you are with updates, the easier it becomes for others to identify your charity as a valid and legitimate brand or company.

Go Viral

Going viral similar to the ALS video challenges is another way to make a splash and influence as a charity in the online world. When you choose to host contests and charities by making the content more interesting and fun, it is easier to gain traction and responses you are seeking.

Knowing how to take any launched campaign to the next level of success is a way to truly get the most out of advertising products, services and brands entirely. When you have a charity you want to share with others, doing so with the use of online advertising, websites, and promotional material is a way to cut back on funding requirements while still getting you the exposure you need for just about any charity or cause.

This post was repurposed for Slideshare.

Author of best selling PR Book 'For Immediate Release', Ronn Torossian is the CEO of 5WPR and the Founder of the Ronn Torossian Foundation.
