How To Recharge Your Retargeting Campaigns



Since 1999, we’ve been at the forefront of the search and performance media industry. It’s an industry which has grown up and evolved at such pace that, every now and then, we like to take a little breather and impart some of that knowledge contained within Huskies. Although a maturing industry, there are still questions around retargeting (or ‘remarketing’ as Google have stamped it) and how to get the best out of it. With that in mind, we’ve decided to put this SlideShare together to showcase what a well thought-out retargeting strategy looks like, how you should approach the development of such and what it can achieve. We’ve all been stalked by random ads for food blenders and sports bras at one stage or another. Truth is, this is often the only perception of what retargeting is to some. For those involved in campaign set-up, there will always be those who simply think it’s just a case of adding a pixel to your site and sitting back. In both cases, a poorly strategised and managed campaign can do more harm than good. So let’s make the world a better place through clever retargeting - for you and your audience!

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David O’Rorke, Performance Media Manager


Since 1999, we’ve been at the forefront of the search and performance media industry. It’s an industry which has grown up and evolved at such pace that, every now and then, we like to take a little breather and impart some of that knowledge contained within Huskies.

Although a maturing industry, there are still questions around retargeting (or ‘remarketing’ as Google have stamped it) and how to get the best out of it. With that in mind, we’ve decided to put this SlideShare together to showcase what a well thought-out retargeting strategy looks like, how you should approach the development of such and what it can achieve.

We’ve all been stalked by random ads for food blenders and sports bras at one stage or another. Truth is, this is often the only perception of what retargeting is to some. For those involved in campaign set-up, there will always be those who simply think it’s just a case of adding a pixel to your site and sitting back. In both cases, a poorly strategised and managed campaign can do more harm than good.

So let’s make the world a better place through clever retargeting - for you and your audience!

Retargeting (also known as behavioural retargeting) is a form of online targeted advertising by which online advertising is delivered to consumers based on previous Internet actions that did not in the past result in a conversion.


Retargeting is a powerful tool for:

1. Reaching out to shopping cart abandoners

2. Upselling & cross selling

3. Content distribution

4. Lead generation

5. Engaging directly with your website visitors across social media

6. Ensuring your brand stays top-of-mind among your customers


Following your website visitors around the


Spamming them until they come back and complete a

desired action

• The Buyer Decision Process is the decision-making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service.

• These stages were first introduced by John Dewey in 1910 and still stand true today.

1. Problem/Need recognition

2. Information search

3. Evaluation of alternatives

4. Purchase decision

5. Post-purchase behaviour


This is where retargeting fits in




1. Test frequency cap changes

2. Always use a burn pixel, i.e. add converted users to a new retargeting list

3. A/B test creative

4. Segment your audience

5. Use the right mix of demographic, geographic & keyword contextual targeting

6. Define a conversion window for post click, post view conversions

DISPLAY RETARGETING• Your website may have a 5% conversion rate,

but this means that 95% of all site visitors are potentially lost and may end up choosing a competitor’s product or service over yours.

• Website retargeting lets you serve display ads to people who have visited your site, but left without completing a desired action.

• Display retargeting is perfect for bringing users back to your site and prompting them to complete a purchase. These previous site visitors are cheaper to target than acquiring a new customer from scratch. They are also far more likely to convert and more receptive to brand messaging because you know they are interested!

• A customer may have stopped consciously searching for your product (or a product within that category), but display ads help keep your brand positioned at the top of their mind.


• With retargeting you can target users based on their email

addresses. These may come from your:

– CRM System

– A lead generation capture form on your site

– Shopping cart abandoners

• You can retarget these groups of people with emails or alternatively

they can be reached across social channels.

• Targeting a defined list of users is an extremely cheap and effective

way to cross/upsell your products, reach out to people that were

close to converting and increase awareness of new offers on your


• Another benefit of this type of retargeting is that it can create

awareness of your social channels.


• Dynamic remarketing lets you automatically create customised ads that connect with shoppers by reminding them of items they've seen or bought in the past on your site and suggesting other products they might like.

• These campaigns can be run across:

– Display

– Social

– Email

• Dynamic retargeting campaigns can have CTRs 450% than conventional retargeting campaigns*



• Remarketing for Search Ads (RFSA) let you show ads to users that have previously visited your website and then gone back to Google to search further before making a purchase. We are able to retarget these users based on a keyword list of our choosing.

• RFSA lets us bid on a wider range of generic keywords. We can also bid more aggressively for keywords that may otherwise be too expensive.

• RSFA ads also let us target users that have already made purchases on the website. For example, if someone has purchased a pair of football boots on your site and 3 weeks later decide they want to buy of pair shin guards online, we are able to make sure that we show up first on the search engine results page when they search for ‘shin guards’.

• A successful RFSA campaign should be built on a foundation of well thought out remarketing lists in Google AdWords and analytics.


• AdWords looks at browsing activity on Display Network sites over the last 30 days and uses this, along with their contextual engine, to understand the shared interests and characteristics of the people in our remarketing lists. Based on this information, AdWords automatically finds new potential customers whose interests and characteristics are similar to those of people in your remarketing list.

• Similar audience lists should always be tested as part of a separate campaign. They should be viewed as an extension of your existing display strategy.

• Performance of these campaigns tend to vary drastically from client to client.


• AdWords for video lets you run video retargeting campaigns across YouTube.

• These campaigns let you push out video content to your site visitors as they are browsing YouTube.

• We have had great success with video retargeting for some of our lead generation clients in particular. It’s a great way of ensuring that your videos are being seen by an audience that is interested in the content.

• You can overlay other AdWords targeting on top of your remarketing lists to ensure that only the right people are being show your video ads. These include:

– Demographic

– Geographic

– Interest & Category

SOCIAL RETARGETING• In 2013, advertisers could, for the first time, run retargeting campaigns

across both Twitter and Facebook.

• Social retargeting campaigns make it possible to leverage all of the benefits of display retargeting, but with added social benefits:

– Speak with, not just at your consumers

– Increase awareness and engagement with your social channels

– Showcase your content in more ways than just display ads

– Creative is generally cheaper to develop for social campaigns

– Almost unlimited ad inventory – more pageviews than GDN

– Cheaper CPCs in general

Social retargeting is more about engagement on the particular platform, than sending users back to your website.


• Huskies use AdRoll as our preferred social retargeting platform. Working with AdRoll opens up a variety of exclusive options including:

– Cross-device, cross-platform retargeting

– Dynamic Liquid retargeting ads on Facebook (similar to dynamic remarketing ads for AdWords).

– Mobile retargeting. Reach desktop visitors as they browse Facebook or Twitter on their mobile devices (perfect for app download campaigns).


• No matter how many landing pages you may have optimised or how many offers you’ve sent, customers are still going to abandon their shopping carts. With abandonment emails you can reengage these customers and nudge them to come back to and complete their purchase.

• Some ways email retargeting can work well:

– Capture an email address early at the beginning of your sales funnel

– Exclusive offers to those users that were close to the final purchase, i.e. free shipping

– Highlight your returns policy

– Split test your email follow up timings

– Use descriptive email subject lines. Quite often, this is the best way to get the attention of a user.

– Showcase the abandoned item in the email body

– Include a link to drop the user back into their shopping cart

– Recommend additional or similar items

– Include an email opt out at the bottom

CONTENT DISTRIBUTION• Retargeting can work as a method of

content distribution.

• It can also help turn your blog readers into your customers.

• If people are consuming your content already, it makes sense that they will be interested in follow up content or related whitepapers for example.

• With a clever retargeting strategy you can segment your blog readers based on the types on content they are interested in. From here, you can use these lists as a means to distribute any new pieces of content or even show them products based on their interest category.

• Content can be distributed using display, RFSA, social networks and email.

RETARGETING CHEAT SHEETDisplay Build your remarketing lists in Google Analytics

Custom List / CRMSplit test email copy and creative - find the messaging that works for you - Build for mobile

Dynamic Remarketing Don't overcomplicate the creative

AdWords - RFSAPlay around with custom combinations & be as granular as possible with your list building

AdWords - Similar AudiencesUse this campaign to identify managed website placements for other display campaigns

AdWords - Video RetargetingThere is no magic formula when it comes to frequency caps. Find the one that works for you. But remember, DON'T be spammy

Social RetargetingDon't just send visitors back to your website. Social retargeting is great for acquiring valuable fans and leveraging the tools available across social networks

Email RetargetingCapture customer email addresses as early in the purchase funnel as possible

Content DistributionCategorise your site visitors into interest buckets. This way you can seed content to your users based on their interests and be more efficient with your media spend

OTHER TIPS• Cross / Upsell – Showcase related items to already converted users

• Lead nurturing – Keep your brand at the top of a prospects mind

• Location based – Tailor your message to suit your audience

• Device type – Tailor your message to suit the device type

• Repeat customers - Tailor your message depending on the customer profile, e.g. special offers or discounts.

• Isolate site visitors based on traffic source – i.e. visitors from a premium display campaign could be segmented and retargeted separately so that more value can be extracted from the original media buy.


• Advertisers often over simplify retargeting campaigns and overlook the importance of the role they can play in the purchase cycle of a consumer.

• A well thought out strategy can leverage all aspects of your online activity and, at the same time, increase the likelihood of turning your site visitors into actual customers.

Thank You

