How to Build a Mediagenic Brand


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This presentation consists of insights inspired by 33voices® interviews with Jenna Abdou.

Table of Contents

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Luke Sherwin: Co-Founder and Creative Director of Casper

Greg Hong: Co-Founder and CEO of Reserve

Baiju Bhatt: Co-Founder of Robinhood

Tero Isokauppila: Co-Founder of Four Sigma Foods

Luke Sherwin


Co-Founder and Creative Director of Casper

Provide numerous incentives for users to discuss your brand. Ensure that your design, customer service,

and voice wow them every time.

Attach a ‘cheeky’ voice to your brand. Make it your goal that each tweet, photo, or

post your user sees makes them smile.

Here’s how they do it at Casper:

Here’s how they do it at Casper:

Here’s how they do it at Casper:

Here’s how they do it at Casper:

When you control each part of your product experience you can include small touches that no brand has ever provided. Observe people using your product and include surprises that

will distinguish you as a household name.

Talking to customers after they purchase your product is equally as important as exposing

them to your work. These conversations lay the foundation for loyal relationships.

Packaging is central to iconic brands. Not only do the boxes stand out, people are

curious about what’s inside. If you’re packaging is pretty enough it will end up on the internet.

Greg Hong


Co-Founder and CEO of Reserve

Your startup should deliver a solution that combines five apps into one. Include every

part of a user’s experience and they’ll validate and market your product for you.

Give users a visual representation of what you’re delivering. This is how Reserve

does it with THE CHECK IS PAID cards:

Baiju Bhatt


Co-Founder of Robinhood

Your highest goal should be sticking to aname like Robinhood. Commit yourself to

constantly delivering the unexpected.

Whether it’s name, product, or voice consumer companies must have identifiable

brands. Drive a stake in the ground that represents your mission to disrupt.

Don’t look back.

Embrace the mysterious side of press. Rather than focusing on how or when it

will come, make the most of your coverage. Robinhood’s landing page was discovered before they launched. Still, over a million

people joined the wait list.

Tero Isokauppila


Co-Founder of Four Sigma Foods

Engage with customers after they purchase or use your product by asking them targeted

questions. Prioritize a 24 hour response rate to communicate thoughtfully after they respond.

Be open about celebrating your brand evangelists. Four Sigma Foods dedicates a page to their supporters on their website.

Do things that don’t scale by serving your customers in ways that aren’t

related to your product.