Andrew Charlton : Fight Against Climate Change


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Andrew Charlton Celebrates Success of His Publications

Andrew Charlton : PM’s Senior Economic Adviser Throughout his career in business, economics and politics, Dr. Andrew Charlton has made a plethora of accomplishments that have served as milestones for his devotion to fair trade, clean energy and the economic strength of his home country, Australia. Having attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, Charlton earned a doctorate in economics before entering Parliament as an adviser to former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. By the age of 28, he had been appointed as the PM’s Senior Economic Adviser and was representing Australia at high-profile events such as the G20 Leaders Summit and the United Nations Copenhagen Climate Conference. In 2011, he was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. During all this, he had been documenting his findings and ideas through a number of books and quarterly essays, some of which remain among the professional’s proudest works.

Andrew Charlton : Fight Against Climate Change

Andrew Charlton’s first book was co-authored by Joseph Stiglitz and published by Oxford University Press in 2005. Fair Trade for All is a summary of Dr. Charlton’s belief that fair trade is not only key to attacking the issue of poverty and economic disparity among nations, but also the advancement of green technologies that will lead the fight against climate change. Fair Trade for All has been the subject of praise by major publications such as The New York Times, The Independent and more.

Andrew Charlton : Ozonomics

Dr. Charlton’s next release, Ozonomics, relates back to ideas expressed in his first book; and focuses on how fair trade policies and the development of clean, affordable energy sources is vital to the protection of our environment. He also touches base on how education on these issues is crucial to future leaders who will be working to remedy our carbon and methane emissions for decades to come.

Andrew Charlton : John Button Prize-winning Essays

Andrew Charlton’s quarterly essays have also turned heads in their circulation Man Made World is a John Button Prize-winning essay that weighs how the progress of humans has, and will continue to, affect our planet. He argues these issues as working hand-in-hand, and how we conduct one will determine the outcome of the other. In his latest release, Dragon’s Tail, he talks about the rising middle class in Asia; and how increased trade between their continents can be a model for his expressed ethics.
