Post Baby Pooch Solutions


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Post-Baby Pooch

by: Raul P. Rodriguez, M.D.

Most folks nowadays want immediate results, if possible. Advanced Smartlipo laser and Vaser Lipo procedures can eliminate the “Post baby Pooch” in about one hour, with no general anesthesia, no large scar, no prolonged recovery, and no severe pain requiring narcotic pain killers. Most patients return to work in 3-4 days and to moderate exercise in about one week. In skilled hands, the results are also smoother and tighter than with traditional liposuction, due to additional skin tightening effects. This technology is also very useful to revise areas of previous liposuction, tummy- tuck (”dog-ears”), breast reduction (along the sides), or other procedures where the fat has healed irregularly or unevenly.

Even normal weight individuals may have a curiously round volleyball-shaped fat deposit around and below the navel that does not respond to proper diet and exercise. Abdominal exercises may tone the underlying rectus abdominus (”six-pack”) muscles, but this will only flatten out the dome a bit, but not remove the overlying “insulation.”

By the way, contrary to popular belief, any type of “spot reduction” exercise can only tone the underlying muscles, but does virtually nothing for the overlying fat. Fatty stores reduce in size, whether they exist around the waist or the big toe, when you burn more calories than what you put in your mouth. The body is then forced to go to what I call the “Calorie Store,” your adipose (fat) tissue, to get fuel there. Hormones and your genetics play a role in determining which “shelves” are depleted first and which “shelves” — like the Post-baby Pooch — are hard to reach and remain well stocked.

Many treatments are designed to specifically target localized fat. Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as “tummy-tuck,” involves cutting away a new-moon shaped wedge of skin and fat from the lower abdomen. The resulting scar may extend from hip bone to hip bone, but it can usually be hidden below the panty line. Recovery can be painful, and there is strict limitation of certain physical activity, including lifting and exercise, for several weeks.

There are noninvasive laser and alternate energy devices that use specific laser wavelengths, infrared, or radiofrequency to shrink the size of the fat cells or to make the fatty tissue appear more compact by tightening the overlying skin. Some common ones are Thermage, Accent, VelaSmooth and VelaShape, Lipo-Ex, iLipo, and Zerona. Usually multiple treatments are required over several weeks or months to see appreciable results, so you must have patience and realistic expectations.

Other noninvasive treatments include Mesotherapy for fat loss or the more simplified Lipodissolve injections that contain ingredients designed to make the fat cells in the injected area release some of the fat that they contain. Once outside the cells, the released fat is cleared from the area by the body’s lymphatic system. As with the noninvasive devices, multiple treatments (and patience) are usually required to see appreciable results.

If you have any of these issues, a personal consultation and examination is the only way to determine which options are best for you.

Genetics and the dramatic hormonal changes of pregnancy can leave a woman with a localized collection of fat in the mid- to lower abdomen that is hard to get rid of, even after getting back down to the pre-pregnancy weight– the Post-baby Pooch. My patients tell me that this fatty pooch can be a cause for embarrassment (”Are you expecting again?”) or lack of self-confidence, especially when wearing the tighter fitting clothes, like the slinky black dress or the bathing suit, that they enjoyed before the pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What is SmartLipo?SmartLipo is a remarkable method for removing unwanted body fat through a low-pain, highly efficient process. Instead of the bulky tubes and uncomfortable office visits required of traditional liposuction, SmartLipo utilizes smaller instruments and specialized technology to zap fat cells for contouring and reshaping areas of the body including the abdomen, love handles, backs, thighs, hips, knees, arms, neck, jowls, and chin. The SmartLipo laser is the first and only available FDA-approved laser device to rupture the membranes of the fat cells, which allows for the absorption and elimination process of excess adipose cells.

How does SmartLipo work?Through a special laser similar to that used in cataract surgery, fat cells are targeted and the heat energy literally dissolves the cells on contact. A gentle suction then siphons the dissolved fat out of the body. A very small percentage is retained, absorbed into the body, and excreted as waste within 24 hours. Worries about the safety of the laser should be quelled, if the doctor is experienced and knowledgeable in laser physics.

What is Vaser Lipo? Is it different than traditional liposuction?Vaser Lipo is a minimally invasive procedure that precisely and efficiently removes unwanted body fat. An alternative to the harsh techniques of traditional liposuction, Vaser Lipo uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology designed to gently reshape your body. What distinguishes the Vaser Lipo procedure is its ability to differentiate targeted fat from other important tissues – such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. Innovative VASER technology breaks up fat while conserving these other important tissues. Only the Vaser Lipo procedure uses the proprietary VASER System to first liquefy fat and then remove it from the body to promote smooth results and rapid healing with only low to minimal pain.

What happens during Vaser Lipo?First, the area to be reshaped is filled with a special saline solution that helps numb the site and shrink the blood vessels (to minimize blood loss and reduce bruising). This solution wets and fills the area to be treated, making it easier to break up fatty tissue with the Vaser Lipo System’s ultrasound energy. Then a small probe transmits sound energy (similar to that used for cataract removal from the eye) to fragment fatty tissue on contact while leaving other important tissues largely intact. Finally, the liquefied fat is removed through a gentle suction process designed to minimize damage to surrounding tissues.

What are the common areas for SmartLipo or Vaser Lipo Procedure?SmartLipo or Vaser Lipo has the advantage of being able to treat small areas such as face, knees, anterior axillary fat pads (fatty pooch in front of armpits), forearms and the upper abdomen that have previously proven unsuitable with conventional liposuction equipment. With the introduction of laser lipo or Vaser Lipo, treatment of small areas are now possible due to the size of the cannulas which are thinner than a strand of pasta, some measuring less than 1mm in diameter. This allows treatment of the localized pockets of fat in previously hard to reach areas and can reduce up to 500mls of fat per area in a single SmartLipo or Vaser Lipo procedure session. This makes it ideal for problem areas such as double chins, jowls, love handles and male breast tissue (gynecomastia).

Using the finer, more delicate instruments, Vaser Lipo can correct irregularities left over from previous liposuction operations in a matter of minutes.

Larger areas traditionally treated with tumescent liposuction can also be reduced more effectively by melting the fat and tightening the skin prior to aspirating (sucking) the fat with Smartlipo or Vaser Lipo. Depending on the areas and the size of the patient, sometimes over five liters of fat can be removed from the body in just one day.

Is Vaser Lipo right for me?If you are frustrated by the resistance of certain body areas to diet and exercise, Vaser Lipo can provide a solution. If you are healthy and seeking a fast, low-pain solution for losing stubborn fat deposits, the Vaser Lipo procedure could be your answer. Patients who say they would have never considered liposuction are now finding the Vaser Lipo procedure is a minimally invasive option for the achievement of their body reshaping goals. Although there are limits to the amount of fat that can be removed, your surgeon can assist you with your decision about potential areas for contouring, anticipated results, and the recovery process.

What will happen during my visits with Dr. Raul Rodriguez?Prior to your actual procedure, you will need to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Rodriguez. During this visit you will discuss your goals for the Vaser Lipo and your expectations. You will also need to share your medical history and other relevant information. You will be asked to bring all medications and supplements you are taking, including fat burning pills. After your medical examination, Dr. Rodriguez will inform you of the realistic expectations you can achieve based on your initial body state and the lifestyle modifications you plan to make.

It is important to recognize that though Vaser Lipo is highly effective, it is only appropriate for patients wishing to lose fat bulges in isolated areas to sculpt a better contour. Vaser Lipo will not provide satisfactory results for persons needing to lose significant amounts of weight -- such patients require alternate methods for weight loss. Dr. Rodriguez will counsel you on the method that is most appropriate.

What is the cost of Vaser Lipo Procedure?Fees for Smartlipo or Vaser Lipo in the Houston or Dallas area are dependent upon the size of the treated area and the number of areas to be treated. It can range from $3500 to $4500 per area. After your consultation and examination, a more specific costing can be advised.

Raul P. Rodriguez, M.D.Cosmetic Surgery

Aesthetic Medicine

Houston area call 713-523-2500 Dallas & Fort Worth areas call 214-234-0413

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