Leininger final group presentation pienta


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Created by:Eleanor Lammers, Wendy Marlowe, Ryan Pienta & Kristina PritchardMadeleine LeiningerTheory on Transcultural Nursing

Madeleine LeiningerTranscultural Nursing-The central purpose of the theory is to discover and explain diverse and universal culturally based care factors influencing the health, well-being, illness, or death of individuals or groups (Leininger, 2002, p.190)-The purpose and goal of the theory is to use research findings to provide culturally congruent, safe, and meaningful care to clients of diverse or similar cultures(Leininger, 2002, p.190)

Used in Evidence Based Practice

-Understanding a patients cultural background can facilitate communication and support establishing an effective nurse-patient relationship (Black, 2014, p. 203)-By studying patients cultures, preferences, and values, we can produce evidence based practice interventions to provide more culturally congruent care -Can be used to tailor to fit different cultures (Huber, 2009)-Provide better ways of treatment, interventions, and plan of care to enhance outcomes (Black, 2014)

Metaparadigm Concepts


- People of the same culture may have different needs - A complete cultural assessment ensures that we treat the whole person; mind, body, and soul

HEALTH- Defined as a state of wellbeing, which is culturally defined (Leininger, 2006, p.10)-The nursing outcome of culturally congruent nursing care is health and well-being for the patient (Black, 2014, p. 278)- Cultures practice health care in different ways (Leininger, 2006, p.10)- Importance of human care and health together

ENVIRONMENT-Defined as the geographic setting of the culture-Environmental systems are broken down by family, cultural, social, and community systems (Black, 2014)-Important for the environment is as culturally comfortable as possible

NURSING-"Nursing involves more than simply being aware of different cultures. It involves planning nursing care based on knowledge that is culturally defined, classified, and tested, then used to provide care that is culturally congruent" (Black, 2014, p. 277)-Caring is at the center of this theory-Practicing in a transcultural perspective starts with respecting patients cultures and understanding how important it is to the patient and their nursing care

Improving Health Care Environment(Local, Regional, and Global)

-Transcultural encounters will be more meaningful for both the nurse and the client if time is devoted to checking with the person or his or her significant other [about] anything that may influence the plan of care (Papadopoulos, 2011, p. 838)-Nurses can promote awareness to expand knowledge of diversity (Huber, 2009)- Understand ourselves to understand others(Huber, 2009, p.14)-Utilize cultural nursing assessment (Black, 2014)-Must follow national standards (Huber, 2009)


Black, B. P. (2014). Professional nursing: concepts & challenges (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.Huber, L. M. (2009). Making community health care culturally correct. American Nurse Today, 4(5), 13-15. Retrieved October 28, 2014, from http://www.americannursetoday.com/assets/0/434/436/440/5636/5638/5640/5654/fe7a72b9 eb12-4491-b454-a353bc97bda4.pdfLeininger, M.M. & McFarlan, M.R. (2006). Culture Care Diversity & Universality A Worldwide Nursing Theory (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.Leininger, M. (2002). Culture Care Theory: A Major Contribution to Advance Transcultural Nursing Knowledge and Practices. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 13(3), 189-192. doi: 10.1177/10459602013003005Papadopoulos, I. (2013). Transcultural nursing. British Journal of Nursing, 21(14), 838. Retrieved from http://0-dx.doi.org.libcat.ferris.edu/10.12968/bjon.2012.21.14.838

