Dr Nami Farkhondeh - Five main signs of gum disease


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Five main signs of gum disease



1Bleeding Gums

Bleeding Gums

The main symptom of Gum disease is the bleeding of your gums, which occurs either during brushing, or in more severe cases spontaneously.

Bleeding Gums

Gum disease is the destruction of the supporting tissues of your teeth and the main cause is the action of plaque. If your brushing technique isn’t sufficient and plaque remains around your gums, this will lead to gingivitis or the inflammation of your gums.

2Receding gums

Receeding Gums

Gum recession can be a symptom of over vigorous brushing but can also be seen in gum disease.

Receeding Gums

Gum disease leads to the destruction of the attachment apparatus of teeth and leads to pocket formation. This is the peeling away of the gums from the teeth. Receding gums can also be seen during the disease process.

3Bad breath

Bad breath

During the disease process the proliferation of odour causing bacteria that cause gum disease can lead to symptoms of bad breath.

4Loosening of


Loosening of teeth

Although a late sign of gum disease, loose teeth is a sure way to know that you have gum disease.

Loosening of teeth

The bacteria in plaque attacks the tissue of the gums and bone around your teeth and leads to their destruction. Other factors such as smoking and poorly controlled diabetes makes this situation worse. As the bone is lost around your teeth the tooth eventually becomes lost and can lead to tooth loss.



Gum disease is usually a chronic condition and is not associated with pain and hence the lack of subjective concern that there may be a problem.


In advanced stages the condition can become acute and lead to abcess formation and pain.

Watch out for these five main

signs of gum disease…


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