All about how to use minoxidil



Hair problems have afflicted people in a big way these days. Given your exotic lifestyles that borders on the unhealthy and also the multitude of health problems that afflict you, hair problems whether it be hair fall or thinning of hair is but a natural possibility. And this is why people are resorting to external medicines to take care of these issues. is where comes in minoxidil. It is an FDA approved drug that is available in two and five percent solutions. There are higher concentrations too, but they result in higher chances of side effects than any marked difference in your hair growth. Minoxidil helps your hair follicles become stronger and that result in stronger hair. In many cases it helps with making them longer too. But keep in mind that it will not sprout new hair follicles for you. Keep reading to know more about this.

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Hair problems have afflicted people in a big

way these days. Given your exotic lifestyles

that borders on the unhealthy and also the

multitude of health problems that afflict

you, hair problems whether it be hair fall or

thinning of hair is but a natural possibility.

And this is why people are resorting to

external medicines to take care of these

issues. is where comes in minoxidil. It is an

FDA approved drug that is available in two

and five percent solutions. There are higher

concentrations too, but they result in higher

chances of side effects than any marked

difference in your hair growth. Minoxidil

helps your hair follicles become stronger

and that result in stronger hair. In many

cases it helps with making them longer too.

But keep in mind that it will not sprout new

hair follicles for you. Keep reading to know

more about this.

How much of minoxidil is right for you?

Minoxidil is available in a lot many

concentrations, starting from 2% to 20%.

But the concentration doesn’t promise any

faster or better hair growth. In fact it quite

ups the chances of you becoming victim to

a side effect.

Women should use a lesser concentration

or as prescribed by a doctor. This is because

sometimes minoxidil has been known to

result in increased facial hair. Now that is

ungainly for a lot of women, in fact most

women. Doctors may prescribe a higher

concentration in case of profound hair loss

but that there’s another way to do that. Use

a smaller concentration for a longer time!

Run this by your doctor and you both just

might reach an amicable solution.

What effect does minoxidil have on your


Well, to be honest, there effects vary from

person to person. In some people it may

make the scalp greasy and oily. And in some

it could result in dry, flaky skin on the scalp

that looks like dandruff. Either way there is

a way to go about it. Minoxidil comes under

different brand names, and it also has

ingredients like glycerine and propylene

glycol. So just choose one where the

concentration of glycerine is 50%! This will

neither make your scalp oily, nor will it dry

it out.

Usage instructions

Use minoxidil as a leave in product and use

it only on clean and dry hair. Apply the

required quantity on the affected areas and

don’t wash it off. You could use a dropper

to the job for you as that can target areas

better. You could ask your doctor about the

dosage or figure what suits you. Always

remember that only minoxidil’s continued

and regular usage will give you visible


There might be some side effects too with

these though. You may face minor swelling

and redness of the affected area. But they

soon subside and aren’t a major cause for

worry. But get your expectations right and

don’t expect magic. Your hair will grow back

in its own sweet time. In the meantime,

maintain a normal diet and regular exercise.
