How to support your charitys chief executive


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7 tips to supportyour charity CEO

The role of charity CEO is rarely an easy one, but a supportive board can make a huge difference.

1. Make it clear what you want from the CEO.

CEOs appreciate an honest appraisal from the trustees.Tell them the key issues facing the charity and what theirpriorities should be.

2. Let them get on with the job.

Sounds obvious, but we all know trustees who think they can do the CEO’s job better than the CEO.

Make sure there is a scheme of delegation which sets out the CEO’s level of financial authority and decision-making

3. Communicate regularly.

Don’t leave your feedback until the next board meeting. Many chairs meet with the CEO at least monthly, and often have a scheduled phone call each week.

4. Learn the art of constructive criticism.

While challenge is essential, try to do it in a positive way. Make sure you comment on the good as well as probing the tricky issues.

5. Encourage them to network.

Sharing experiences with others can be an inexpensive way of introducing new ideas, sharing best practice and building business relationships.

6. Ensure they take a break.

Excessive work hours are not good for health or well-being and puts the wrong sort of pressure on the rest of the staff. Ensure your CEO takes their annual holiday entitlement.

7. It’s important to trust.

When a board and CEO work closely together and trust each other the result is good governance.

Follow these tips and everything will be in place for an effective and productive relationship.

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