What Do Your Recycled Items Get Turned Into


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What Do Your Recycled Items Get

Turned Into?http://www.andrews-waste.co.uk/

Paper And Card

When paper and card is recycled it gets taken to a Paper Mill. Anything non-recyclable is removed. (Staples, Ribbons, etc…) Water is added to the paper to make it into a soupy gloop. The gloop is then screened, cleaned and de-inked. It can then be

made into new paper!


Plastic is sorted into separate groups depending on the type and colour.

It can either be shredded and used as filling for things such as sleeping bags, duvets and even business suits!

It can also be melted down and made into CD/DVD cases, carrier bags, garden furniture and more!


Glass items are first screened to make sure all non-glass items are removed.

Glass can either be crushed or melted. Most glass is made into new glass items. It can also be used as decorative finishes on building sites and can

even be used in Golf bunkers!

Steel cans

Recycled steel is melted down with Iron Ore and Limestone. The molten metal is then poured into moulds and chopped into

blocks. Then it can be made into new cans, vehicles and even parts of



Textile items are checked by hand and are sorted into groups depending on it’s type and quality.

Any clothes which can be re-used are sent to developing countries. Any materials which aren’t suitable for re-use are shredded and made

into rags and felts. Woollen products are often pulled and made into new yarn.

Thanks For Reading!http://www.andrews-waste.co.uk/
