The mask of red (?) death


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The Mask of Red (?) Death

A long time ago, King Prospero and people of his big palace decided to

have a huge party.

People should have to come really well

dressed. That night, should be filled with beauty and


People would have fun. Dancing and drinking as much as they could.

Even though happiness, there was something that they really would fear.

The DeathEspecially, someone:

But… They were safe inside that palace. So what they did really care

about: having some fun.

After few minutes the party had started, someone walked in the


That thing, which would look like a woman, started to walk through the

dance floor…



Everybody was wondering who was that woman…

King Prospero, filled with so much interest, followed her.

Prospero touched her

When she turned over…


King Prospero got on his knees impressed with such… such…


- You are very beautiful!!

- Oh… I know…

She would look like a sweet and elegant woman.

But she was mean…

Therefore, in the heat of the moment, that beautiful woman showed her real face…

Prospero’s guests could not believe their eyes…

Then, in a touch of magic, she turned The King into

a monster.

All King’s guests fell faint…And died…

Death and Monster Prospero lived together in that palace…

…and they also used to visit huge parties to kill all guests.

The end
