Sound Manipulation - Evidence and Annotations


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Patryk Kleczkowski

Sound Manipulations:

In this particular task, I was asked to take some of my sounds that I have recorded before, both ambient and directional, and apply different effects to them

in the Reaper software, ‘adjust’ them. I have used several ranges of different tools and experiment with different effects and techniques to create the most

interesting sounds possible.

1st Sound Manipulation:

In this particular sound manipulation, I have messed around with a lot of ambience effects as well as used a special VST plugin called – Lost Technology,

which ‘alienated’ my sound. I have used different depths, pitches, speeds and mods of sounds to get the effect that I wanted, i.e. a sound that very much

sounds like a signal sent by an alien life form etc. I have tried my best to keep it quite eerie however not to hurt the listeners ears. The ambience helped me

Patryk Kleczkowski

for this to be made into a more ‘fulfilling’ sound.

2nd Sound Manipulation:

In this sound manipulation, I have tried to make it sound like a malfunctioning machine. Therefore I have used two tools that I thought would help me fulfill

my objective, i.e. the K.T. Granulator and the dBlue Glitch sound maker. In terms of the db Glitch, I have played around with a lot of frequencies, pithces

Patryk Kleczkowski

and depths to try to make every note different sounding and really add the feel of something being bugged/glitched. I also experiment with different levels

of sound. Then I moved onto the Granulator where I made the sound to sound like a robot speaking and experimented with different amplifiers.

3rd Sound Manipulation:

In manipulation number 3, I have created a quite random noise since I wanted to experiment with a wider variety of options and not be afraid of ruining a

soundtrack. I have experiment quite a lot with the shifter, to try and warp the sound around, I also experiment with its depth field as well as the speed of

Patryk Kleczkowski

the sound being played. Then I experimented with another 2 tools, one called ReaComp, the other ReaPitch, they allowed me to change the pitch of the

sound as well as change the pacing of the sound, its field of playability, attack, depth field etc. This allowed me to create quite an interesting experimental

sound that possibly could be used in a Sci-Fi setting.

4th Sound Manipulation:

In this sound manipulation, I have tried to recreate a noise of something smashing something in the distance, to do that, I have started off with my simple

recording of me hitting a post. Then I have added the lost technology to add some distortion effect to my general recording as well as some smaller depth

Patryk Kleczkowski

modifications, then I have used the REFLEX tool to make the sound very distorted, as well as modify its strength and general mix, then I have added

voxengo boogex to create tone and certain heights within the sound track as well as adjust the dynamic, finally I have used the ambience to create an echo

effect to symbolise that the action is happening somewhere far away.

Patryk Kleczkowski

5th Sound Manipulation:

For my fifth sound manipulation I have tried to create a very ambient voice. I have used one of my original recordings and then added an effect called

battery acid to make a distortion effect and a little bit of something like losing signal. Then I added tal-dub to create echo and dubbing effect, as well as

added depth and mixed the sound a little bit.

Patryk Kleczkowski

6th Sound Manipulation:

For my final, 6th sound manipulation I have used one of my original sounds which was flicking, I have used the VTS Ambience addon to make it very echo like

and to make it sound like someone was punching something instead of flicking fingers. Then I have used Glitch to distort the sound and make it more

interesting, I have experimented with the depth, mix and several other features to make it sound more ‘glitchy’ and ‘technological’.
