Real media texts investigation




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In the following slides I will be analysing horror film trailer and how they relate to typical codes and conventions found

in horror trailers.Codes and conventions typically seen in horror films

include:-isolated setting

Eerie musicTension and suspense

Short takesFast cut editing

Either a supernatural being, monster or villain.


The Purge takes on a new narrative with ‘The purge’ being a yearly event in which for 12 hours all crime is legal. The

film is set in the future therefore adds and unknown emphasis on the film itself. The trailer uses typical

conventions seen in horror trailers such as dark lighting and sound effects. The trailer also includes costume and

makeup to look like blood for the gory parts. The conventions used in the trailer adds to the unknown

suspense of the film, will you survive the 12 hours of the purge? There is a slow build up in the trailer and face paced action towards the end which follows Freytag's

theory of narrative. Women can also be seen as vulnerable and the victim which relates to Laura Mulvey’s male gaze



The last exorcism part 2 also follows typical conventions of horror trailers. The narrative contains a supernatural being over taking the body of a young girl, the same girl used in the first last exorcism film. This adds some continuity to

both of the films and loyal audiences will notice this. There is a lot of suspense and tension built up throughout the film

with the use of lighting and sound effects etc. There are also jumpy moments which are again typical of horror films.

The sense of unknown is carried throughout the entire trailer. All of the conventions I have mentioned above add to the overall suspense and tension of the horror trailer. Women are seen as the victim but aloso the protagonist

which relates to representation theories of women either being victims or overcoming the supernatural being.


Although the trailer for paranormal activity 3 adheres the typical conventions of a horror trailer such as darkness and a supernatural being, it does go against typical conventions

of the horror genre. There is no fast pace action towards the end of trailer, instead of which there is the use of the hand held camera which is not commonly used in horror

trailers. This trailer does not follow Aristole’s linear narrative theory but possibly a circular one as the sequels

of the film work backwards.
