Covert overt operator 2011




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Covert/Overt Operator

In Covert/Operator, students are asked to think of how a narrative is formed through a comparison of parts.

In very simple terms, this comparison could be considered a version of juxtaposition. Two parts which are activated by space come together conceptually to make a third experience, association etc.

In addition to showing two parts and how they will inevitably create a dialog, I want you to use your increased knowledge of space and imagine how the viewer will interpret the “ordering” of your narrative system from far away. For now, lets classify this ordering system the works “overt” information.

Then I want you to think of how the up close details of the relationship between parts performs an “agency” to alter the viewers preconceived notions of what the piece may be. Lets consider this the “covert” information the object alludes to.

For this project: You are asked to interpret one part as a significantly altered object/material.

The other part should be made entirely by your hands. It can be an object, a print, a drawing, a performance. Whatever works for your idea


To strengthen your technical skill set, you are being asked to incorporate metal into project as structural or conceptual support. You can use this in a minimal or maximal way.

Let the digging begin.

Parts Imply Wholes and Wholes Are Social

LASAF ObjectLost and (Significantly Augmented) Found

Allison Smith at the MUSTER at Governor's Island

The Participants of the Muster

The Pink Brigade

Universal Aesthetic Suffrage Tent

The Right to Be Scared Tent

Inner Peace in A Warring Nation Tent


Nauman Plaster steps 1997-1998/ Stadium Piece 1997-1998

Bruce Nauman, Clown Torture 1987

Nauman: Clown Torture
