What would be the audience for your media product? how did you attract:address the audience?


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What would be the audience for your media product?

How did you attract/address the audience?

By Luke Bates

Typical rom com audiences

Audiences for typical rom com films are usually teens or young couples, as they can relate to the experiences portrayed throughout the films, like the relationships, break ups and general persona’s of people in the films. A audience of teens would generally prefer a romantic comedy to older couples.

Typical audience for a comedy

With comedies, the audience age would vary. More slapstick comedy would appeal to younger kids, whereas more offensive or rude comedies such as Family Guy, The Hangover or Shaun Of The Dead would appeal to a younger people or teenage audience, as they are at the age where they are understanding the jokes. A lot of adults would also like these types of comedies, but being older would like comedies such as Airplane, Dumb And Dumber or Ace Ventura, as these are more classic one liner

comedies. So unlike romantic comedies which have a more or less set audience target, comedies can range in audience ages, from the very young to the slightly older. It all depends on the type of comedy and the jokes that they would use.

What audience would watch my media


Because my media film is a cross between a Family Guy style comedy/micky take and a romantic comedy, the audience age would be teenage, as they can be there for the romantic side and the slightly subtle comedy side. Saying this, I also think that an audience who enjoys comedies more than romantic films would see this film, because there are some parts in the film opening that are mainly comedy and are there to make fun of romantic comedies more than

there are romantic parts that teens could relate to.

How did you attract/address the


We used a lot of techniques to attract an audience into watch our film from the two minute opening. They include…

Catchy musicI (Luke Bates) composed some music to include in our two minute opening so that we did not have any copyright

issues from using someone else's music. I made the music using Logic

Pro X which is a music making program and have used it to get people interested, catch peoples

attention and also lead on from the narration line “anyway, here is a song your girlfriend might like”. If this film

was going into real production, I would have used a more well know song so that the line would have

made more sense, but I still think with the catchy tune I wrote people will

laugh at the joke line and also enjoy the song.

Approachable and relatable

protagonists/main characters

With our two main characters, we wanted to choose two

people who the audience could relate to in some way. We chose

Matt Koster and Sammy O’Connor because they are

both 17 year olds and also in a relationship, so they would be the same age as each other

and also show the relationship chemistry on-screen instead of it being awkward for them on


A relatable setting (1/2)For the first minute of our

opening, we needed a lot of scenery shots to go with the narration. We chose different

shots in and around Wymondham because thats where the story is set, and Norwich because its such a big place so we can give the

impression that the town they are in is big with lots of fun and adventure. We tried to get mainly sunny shots and shots of people to show how busy and to display the idea that “love is all around”, like

the start of Love Actually.

A relatable setting (1/2)

For the second part of our 2 minute opening, we had our two main actors

getting ready for there date with each other. This involved a lot of different locations, like 2 different

houses, a cafe, a park where Sammy falls over, different paths and roads

and also a police station. These settings all place there part and while some aren't maybe very

relatable, the two different rooms can be. The boys room has lots of

posters of bands up, as well as black bed sheets and colours like beige, red and blue, not girl colours like purple and pink. The room is also quite messy and not organised. In

this way people can clearly see that this is a boys room and the sort of boy the character is. In the girls room, its very neat and there are

colours such as pinks and purples to show that its also a girls room and

more organised that the boys room.

Modern and relatable props

The props that we used, which there weren't many of, weren't very relatable, but were significant. For example, when Matt stops the child from falling in the road in one of the clips, we thought that for a kind gesture we would have the father give Matt a free coffee. This doesn't have much relatable factor for

the audience.

By making all the above things relatable to an audience, it is an easy way to attract them to your film. Without the relatable factors like setting and characters, an audience would not feel that they connect with the film in anyway. With these factors, they will feel more involved, more comfortable

watching the film, and it may even help them with parts of their own lives. I think that our film opening is a good start to getting a audience to relate to the film.