Visión institucional. Stephen



Seminario internacional de liderazgo en la Educación básica.

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Design of an institutional vision: how to implement/communicate the new institutional vision inside and outside the school?


1. Introduction.

2. How was the vision created at Light Oaks Junior school?

3. How did we involve all stakeholders?

4. Communicating the vision and ensuring the vision is central to everything the school does.

5. Further ways we communicate our vision.

1. Introduction

• Why is it important to have an institutional vision?

• The institutional vision needs to involve all stakeholders:

teachers »

support staff




• It needs to be simple and easy to understand.

1. Introduction

2. How was the vision created at Light Oaks Junior School?

• A training day was organised by the head teacher. All teachers, support staff and governors were invited to think about what the vision might look like.

• We looked at what we wanted to provide to enable the children to become successful citizens in society, when adults.

• We also looked at all the adults involved in the process to ensure they were able to support the children to be successful.

2. How was the vision created at Light Oaks Junior School?

• We identified important school characteristics, e.g. below average ethnicity in comparison to national statistics.

• Following on from all these discussions, we started to think how we could achieve our aim – creating successful citizens.

• During the day ideas were gathered and a working party was created with a representatives.

3. How did we involve all stakeholders?

• Class teachers shared the vision with the children using circle time.

• The children were happy with the statements as they felt the aims were important.


3. How did we involve all stakeholders?

• All parents received a copy of the mission statement for a consultation period.

• There was also a meeting with parents in which we discussed the mission statement and answered any questions they had.


4. Communicating the vision and making sure the vision is central to everything the school does.

• The vision needs to be visible to all.

• Everyone who is part of the school must understand what it is.

• At Light Oaks Junior School our vision can be found in the following places:

The corridors

The prospectus

The exercise books

The entrance

Outside the school

4. Communicating the vision and making sure the vision is central to everything the school does.

• The vision is also in all classrooms and our headed paper.

• It is also on our website:

4. Further ways we communicate our vision.

• New intake meeting.

• Parents’ evening.

• Family learning days.

• Fostering and maintaining international links.
