Unit 13 – Planning and Pitching a Print based Media Product (LO2)


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Contents PageSlide No.


4 Mood Board

5 Mood Board Reflection

6 Summary of Ideas

7 Mind Map

8 Font Styles

9 Final Font Style

10 Magazine Flat Plan

11 Magazine Flat Plan

12 Photography Plan

13 Mojo – Front Cover and Annotated Codes & Conventions

14 Mojo – Double Page Spread (DPS) and Annotated Codes & Conventions

15 Mojo – Double Page Spread (DPS) and Annotated Codes & Conventions

Slide No.


16 Proposal – Tune iN

17 House Style/Colour Scheme

18 Draft articles

19 Drafts of My Front Cover

20 Drafts of My Double Page Spread

21 Front Cover Rough Sketches (Tune iN)

22 Double Page Spread Rough Sketches (Tune iN)

23 Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Tune iN)

24 Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Tune iN)

25 Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Tune iN)

26 Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Tune iN)

27 Proposal – Beat

Contents PageSlide No.


28 House Style/Colour Scheme

29 Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Beat)

30 Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Beat)

31 Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Beat)

32 Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Beat)

Slide No.


33 Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Beat)

34 Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Beat)

35 Have I reflected on WHO the Target Audience are for MY Final Magazine Idea through Theories?

36 Conclusion

Mood Board

Mood Board ReflectionMy magazine will contain a puff promotion which is similar to the magazine that I have been analysing which is Mojo magazine because in my opinion this is one of their idea to retain their target audience.

My magazine will comprehend a shade of blue to connote wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and truth. The connotation about these words is that I want my target audience to feel as this music magazine is going to be one of the blockbuster music magazine out there.

For my magazine, the masthead will be similar with the masthead of Mojo magazine as it is very effective, bold, simple and eye catching. The connotation of the masthead is that I am not only taking inspirations from different categories of music magazines but to demonstrate to my target audience that this magazine is going to be the best of the best.

As a finishing product, my magazine will have a similar front cover to this. The purpose why I have chosen this specific front cover because it is very bright, it relaxes the target audiences eyes because of the use of different shades of colour such as pink, white and blue and lastly, the use of text which are very bold and easy to attract audiences with the use of large text around the main image and also the main colour that has their own purpose.

Summary of Ideas

Genre Classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental

Content of the Magazine • Back stage at festivals/ concerts

• Upcoming tours• Reviews on albums & films• Working in the studio• Celebrity gossip• New albums coming up• Interviews with the most

popular music artists at the time

• Competition

Price of the Magazine £2.50 - £3

Name of the Magazine Ideas • Tune iN• Treble• Beat

Mind Map


Brand IdentityThe brand identity will contain the

name of the music magazine on each page beside the number page, the

back of the magazine will have links to the social media sites that the

magazine is participating. Lastly, the website will be on the bind of the


Images to be taken Front cover – the front cover will have a medium close up to illustrate the facial expression within the

artist.Double Page Spread – the double page spread will contain medium close up to signify the face more

clearly without getting uncomfortably close and long shot to indicate the full body shot of the artist/band and to take note of their portrayal as an individual human being why people inspire them.

Colour schemeThe colour scheme of my magazine will be white background to make the artist stand out also to

connote the purity and originality of what the magazine is trying to put across to the target audience. The text has to be bold and easy to read. The colours of the text will be black to connote formality, it

gives a very aggressive colour scheme and lastly, it increases readability.

Target AudienceThe target audience for my

magazine will be 20 and over because it will contain irrelevant language from the artist/band.

MastheadThe masthead is going to have a 3D effect to connote the clear messages and values and lastly it will catch the

target audiences attention. This inspiration has been taken from the

Mojo magazine that I have been focusing on the past few weeks.

Frequency of the Magazine’s release

The frequency of the magazine’s releases will be monthly so the editors will have a month plan ahead of what

the next magazine will contain.

Font StylesI have chosen this font style specifically because it is bold which will make my music magazine stand out of other magazines. However, I could improve this font by making it a 3D effect, for example Mojo magazine, because I am inspired by their magazine and would like to have the same approach from their target audience whether I have met their criteria. The reason why I have chosen this font style because it has a similar effect to the Mojo magazine such as the 3D effect. However, I could improve this font style by making the shadow effect darker to make it stand out but this could be hard to grab my target audience attention as it does not have that similar effect compare to the Mojo masthead.

I have chosen this font because of the style is different but however it is not similar to Mojo magazine so I may not use this font style as the font style has to be similar to the masthead that I am inspired to.

Final Font Style

Name of the text: Century GothicDefinition of “Tune”: A melody, especially one which characterizes a certain

piece of music.Definition of “iN”: Expressing the situation of something that is or appears

to be enclosed or surrounded by something else.

Magazine Flat Plan

Magazine Flat Plan

Photography PlanLocation


School fieldI am going to take the pictures on week 18th and 20th of October because of the leaves changing which I could use an effect into my magazine especially in my double page spread.

Public parkThe pictures will be taken somewhere week 21st and 25th as there will be less people because of work/school and the pictures will be taken somewhere in the morning or midday.

School studioI will take the pictures in the school studio as this will give the images a professional look. The pictures will be taken somewhere week 18th and 20th. This has to be done after school between 3-4.

Picture needed/requiredShot typeProps/EquipmentLighting CostumePerson/People

The shot will be a long shot to convey the location. I will have to use a tripod and camera. As it is set outside the lighting will be neutral. The costume will be casual.

The shot will be a mid-shot so the focus will be on the artist. I will have to use a tripod and camera. As it is set outside the lighting will be neutral. The costume will be casual.

For the shots, I will be collecting varieties of shots from long shot to close up. I will have to use a tripod, camera, backdrop and studio lights. The costume will be bold.

Permission NeededContact needed to be madeEvidence of this?

I will have to write or send an email to the head teacher of the school if it is okay if I can take pictures of the school premises.

I would not need any permission to take images here as this is a public place.

I will have to send an e-mail or write a letter to the head of Photography department to ask if I can use the studio.

Potential Hazards/RisksLocation specificWhy?

The editing will be hard when using Photoshop because of the background.

The change of weather and the public itself as I just want the artist/band not the public in the background.

The risk of fire from the studio lights.

Photos of the locations that I will be testing

Front Cover and Annotated Codes & Conventions

Headline (Main Story) – the headline connotes how unmissable this magazine issue and the word ‘genius’ connotes how important she is and also they are complimenting her because of her work and to signify her success in the music industry.

Cover lines – the cover lines indicate what the magazine contains and break down the key information for the consumer.

Strapline – the strapline sounds very powerful by using the word ‘The’ which connotes they are promoting themselves as the best music magazine.

Masthead – the denotation of the masthead on the Front Cover is Mojo magazine. The verbal code of Mojo connotes how important the name of the magazine rather than the artist itself.

Date and Price - £4.80, ‘October

2014’ (the magazine is a

monthly magazine)


Puff promotion – the puff promotion connotes that they want their consumer to have an opportunity to have a free copy rather than buying it separately.

Stand First – the stand first ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) the article itself and by using larger and bolder type text will catch the spectators attention and will want to read more about the artist life and what is so amazing about him that he has been put in a double page spread.

Drop Capital – the drop capital specify the depth of one line and also by using a large capital letter at the beginning of a section of text connotes the start of the interview.

Page numberCaption – the caption

‘signifies’ (De Saussure) the picture and identify the images around the text.

Personal Point of View – the personal point of view illustrates the life of the artist itself and the fact the they are in speech marks indicate that we should read this because it is coming from the artist words not from the magazine editors.

Main Image – the main images varies which connote the past life of the artist and where he is now such as what he has achieved throughout the years.

Double Page Spread (DPS) and Annotated Codes and Conventions

Double Page Spread (DPS) and Annotated Codes and Conventions

Drop Capital – the drop capital indicate the beginning of the interview.

Page Number

Quote from the interview – the quote from the interview indicate the main phrases within the interview and it is the spectators job to find these interest words.

Main Image – the main image of the artist connotes that this interview is all about his background. The use of extreme close up signify the tight detail of the subject such as his facial expression.

Comment – the comment from Elton John is displayed in a visible tight box to illustrate how his words are important and coming from a well-known artist.

Differentiated Questions and Answers – the differentiated question and answers are easy to detect which is the questions and answers through making the questions bold and answers in normal text.

Logo – the logo specifies where the interview comes from.

Proposal – Tune iN

House Style/Colour SchemeHouse styleThe house style is going to be bold text and bright colours everywhere to make it easier for my target audience to familiar with the layout and font types of the magazine. Moreover, to enhance the quality of my product it has to contain high quality photographs and it has to be done in a professional way. Lastly, what inspired me to do this is that every music magazine has their own originality and this is one of their own ideas to entice their target audience.Colour schemeThe colour scheme of my magazine will be white background to make the artist stand out also to connote the purity and originality of what the magazine is trying to put across to the target audience. The text has to be bold and easy to read. The colours of the text will be black to connote formality, it gives a very aggressive colour scheme and lastly, it increases readability.

Draft articles

Drafts of My Front CoverPuff Promotion

The reason why the puff promotion is on the top so the spectator can easily see what

the magazine has for this month issue.

Cover linesMore short statements and

describing the articles inside especially in relation to the

main image of the magazine front cover.

MastheadThe masthead will be

centre/top to illustrate its purpose and also to make it

easier for my target audience to find my music magazine in

the shelf store.

Cover lines with an imageThe cover lines with an image will illustrate what the cover line is trying to clarify to the


Main ImageThe main image is place in the

centre to illustrate how important the artist/band.

Cover linesThe cover lines will contain the short statements found on the

cover of the magazine.

Headline (Main Story)The headline will be position on

the right hand corner of the main image to support the

main image.

StraplineThe strapline will be place in

between but above the masthead to illustrate the value of the magazine and entice the spectator for the future issues.

BarcodeThe barcode will contain the monthly issue and the price.

Synergy with social media

Cover linesMore short statements and

describing the articles inside especially in relation to the

main image of the magazine front cover.

Drafts of My Double Page Spread

Quote from the interviewThe quote from the

interview will be position on top to. Also to indicate the main phrases within the interview and it is the

spectators job to find these interest words.

Page Number and the name of

the magazine

Main ImageThe main image will be place on the right hand of the double page spread and the

photo that will be place in this page is a medium close up to convey the

clarity of the facial expression of the


Quote RelatesThe quote relates will be taken from

what the artist/band say that will inspire

their fans.

TextInside the text box, it will contain the differentiated questions and answers such as the questions will be in a red/bold Arial text and the answers will be normal black/Arial text to convey clarity for the reader and also easy for the reader to read and knowing who

is talking within the interview.

Page Number and the name of the


Stand firstthe stand first summaries

the article itself and by using larger and bolder type text will catch the spectators attention.

Drop CapitalThe drop capital will be place on the left-middle

corner of the double page spread to illustrate the

beginning of a section of text, occupying more than

the depth of one line.

Front Cover Rough Sketches (Tune iN)

Double Page Spread Rough Sketches (Tune iN)

Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Tune iN)

Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Tune iN)

Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Tune iN)

Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Tune iN)

Proposal – Beat

House Style/Colour SchemeHouse styleThe house style of Beat magazine will be red, black and yellow. The reason why I have chosen red is because it brings energy, desire and passion into the magazine which means a passionate belief in an issue or undertaking. Moreover, the colour black ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) hidden, secretive and unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery which I want for my Beat magazine. Lastly, with the colour yellow it defines the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful. Furthermore, there will be a verity of font styles such as Century Gothic, Arial etc. and size of the font will be varies as well depending on what job they do in within the magazine, for example, the font size of the text for the double page will be size 11. Colour schemeThe colour scheme of my magazine will be white background to make the artist stand out also to connote the purity and originality of what the magazine is trying to put across to the target audience. The text has to be bold and easy to read. The colours of the text will be black to connote formality, it gives a very aggressive colour scheme and lastly, it increases readability.

Front Cover Rough Sketches (Beat)

Double Page Spread Rough Sketches (Beat)

Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Beat)

Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Beat)

Graphic Layout – Front Cover (Beat)

Graphic Layout – Double Page Spread (Beat)

Have I reflected on WHO the Target Audience are for MY Final Magazine Idea through Theories?

Age & Gender Hartley’s 7 subjectivities has a similar target audience to “Mojo” as it covers the age range, gender, class, ethnicity and nationality. This connotes that Mojo magazine has mostly covered Hartley’s 7 subjectivities which means I have to do the same thing for my music magazine to have a similar approach from the public. From Hartley’s 7 subjectivities I will focus more on age, gender and class. With the age range I will target it to between 15 – 24, the reason why I will target it to this age group is because the magazine that I am inspired to has the same target audience but I am also going to try and target to a more older audience such as 35+. The type of audience that I am mostly targeting to is male gender although there are still female gender fans. Lastly, with the type of demographic that I am going to produced will demonstrate the target social grade between C2DE which are the Skilled Working Class, Working Class and lastly, those at Lowest Level of Subsistence. This connote that my target audience are skilled manual workers, semi and unskilled manual workers and lastly, state pensioners or widows, casual or lowest grade workers which links to how much I want the consumer to pay for my magazine which is £2.50.


In conclusion, LO2 is all about being able to generate ideas for an original print-based media product. As this is about generating ideas for an original print-based media product I have taken some of the ideas of Mojo such as the format of their front cover, for example, making sure that there are certain areas of similarities that the front cover has for instance the masthead of my magazine and Mojo’s are roughly the same and the rest of the features of the magazine front cover. Furthermore, drawing rough sketches of front covers and double page spreads for both of my proposals to have a broad idea of what type of layout I want each idea will be and within the proposals they are different between colour scheme to portray that they have their own identity. I have also created graphic versions of the rough sketches to make it easier for me to construct when importing the information if I have chosen that specific idea of layout.