Twitter for Training slides



Presented for the South Florida Chapter of ASTD 11/13/2012

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Twitter for Training 

Jennifer Tomarchio, CPLP


National Advisor for Chapters Sunshine Area@JenTomarchio

Social Media Revolution


Poll: Are you a Linkedin user?

Poll: Are you on Facebook?

Poll: Do you use Twitter?

Tweet #ASTDSFL• During this collaborative session, please

feel free to Tweet your– Ideas / Tips / Discoveries / Ah Ha! Moments

• Everyone benefits!• Hashtags: #ASTDSFL #ASTD

#ASTDChapters• Mentions: @ASTDSFL @JenTomarchio


Today’s Purpose

This hands-on mini-workshop is designed to provide useful tips for leveraging Twitter to enhance your learning programs and expand your own learning and networking opportunities.


So What? / Why Tweet?• Get tips and ideas • Share ideas / opinions / ideas• Use and follow backchannels for richer

content, collaboration, and additional resources

• Attend live Tweet chats on topics of interest

• It’s a learning tool! 8

Getting Started• Set up your account –

recognizable name• Brand yourself

– 1 line “bio”– Website address– Actual location– Use a picture…Don’t be an Egg

Head!• Find people to follow


Hashtags• One or more words prefaced by #• Used to share tweets beyond your own

followers / Anyone can see all tweets with that hashtag

• Use a designated hashtag to facilitate discussion among a specific group of participants


Direct Messaging• Send a private, direct message by entering

“d username” instead of “@username.”


Tweet Chats• Online meetings to discuss a specific topic• Discussions are guided by a moderator

who posts questions to be answered by attendees

• To find a chat:• Check out: #CPLPTtalk; #lrnchat;

#elearnchat; #astdchapters• Use 12

PowerPoint Twitter VotingInstructions: @votebytweet 1 astdvote

© SAP 2009 / Page 13

1. Business only

2. Personal only

3. Both

4. Don’t use it at all

I use Social Media for…

Grow a Great Following1. Look for people you already know2. Display Tweets on your web page3. Offer something to followers / WIIFM4. Join a “conversation”5. Integrate your social networks6. Add Social Media links in email signature


For More Info


7 Twitter Strategies for Growing

a Great Following

5 Tips to Build a Powerful Network:

Tools / Apps• Tweetdeck (• Hootsuite (• Tweetchat (• SAP (



The Backchannel• Poll Participants• Ask Questions• Check for understanding• Distribute information• Watch for Q & A• Resource:

The Backchannel: How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing Presentations Forever by Cliff Atkinson

Benefits of the Backchannel• Get real-time feedback from your audience• Highlight key points from your session• Audience learns from each other as well as

from you • Gives individuals who typically do not feel

comfortable sharing aloud a way to get involved

• More engaging!19

Twitter for Training• Pre-session

– Establish a hashtag– Send info about your session or gather info

about your audience– Plan your key points into tweetable sentences– Prepare tweets to engage the backchannel– Ask experienced Tweeters to monitor the


Marketing Planner• Blog 1 – 2x month• Twitter posts – increase frequency as event

approaches• Linkedin – start discussions related to topic / follow

up afterward• Facebook

– Post events / invites– Post Youtube videos to promote – Follow up with event photos – Media releases 21

Twitter Session Prep Worksheet• Get a moderator

– Speaker & moderator Twitter usernames• Links to blogs and websites• Hashtags to follow• Set up tweets to post during session


During the Session• Let the audience know that you plan to

use the backchannel in your session• Provide hashtag and username(s) • Encourage them to tweet as a way to

share their ideas/insights with the group• Questions can be tweeted as they arise

– Moderator can verbalize these are answer if they are SME


Post Session• Answer any unanswered questions in the

Twitter stream• Post a summary of key points /additional

resources, link to a blog or website• Archive the tweets: • Continue conversations with those

on Twitter24

Tweet Your Answer


What is your #1 take away?

Check the Backchannel

Jennifer Tomarchio,

Mobile: 954-461-5724@JenTomarchio

Thank You!