Teaching learning strategy


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Teaching Learning Strategy

Teaching Grammar


Yudhi Arifani, M. Pd.

By :

Erina Rusdyan Sari (09431019)

Purnama Ratna Sari Dewi (09431023)

Nur Indah Sucahyani (09431029)






Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe grammar as the "rules"

of a language, but in fact no language has rules. If we use the word "rules", we suggest that

somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages

did not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved into words,

phrases and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All languages change over time.

What we call "grammar" is simply a reflection of a language at a particular time. There are those

who argue that there is no place for a formal focus on grammar in the communicative classroom

of today. We do not share this view. In this paper, we will argue that grammar has a central and

fundamental place in the curriculum. However, this does not mean we are arguing for a return to

"traditional" ways of teaching grammar. In our first material, we will explain what it means to

look at grammar as a tool for communication rather than as a body of content to be memorized.

We will then give practical examples of how teachers can implement these ideas in their


Actually, grammatical structures not only have FORM, they are also used to express

MEANING in context-approriate USE. So, a sentence has correct meaning by using the

grammatical. By the grammatical we can know when the the event happen, in the past, future, or



We can see the grammatical From principles to pedagogy

Teach grammar as an extremely flexible resource for making meaning.

As far as possible, integrate the teaching of grammar with the teaching of pronunciation

and vocabulary.

Help learners see relationships between form and meaning.

Teach students how to use grammar to make appropriate choices and express their own

personal meanings.

A. Approaches and procedures for teaching grammar

1. Deductive Approach

A deductive approach is derived from the notion that deductive reasoning works from the general

to the specific. In this case, rules, principles, concepts, or theories are presented first, and

then their applications are treated. In conclusion, when we use deduction, we reason from

general to specific principles. The deductive approach maintains that a teacher teaches

grammar by presenting grammatical rules, and then examples of sentences are presented.

Once learners understand rules, they are told to apply the rules given to various examples of

sentences. Giving the grammatical rules means no more than directing learners’ attention to the

problem discussed. learners be in control during practice and have less fear of drawing an

incorrect conclusion related to how the target language is functioning. To sum up, the

deductive approach commences with the presentation of a rule taught and then is followed by

examples in which the rule is applied. In this regard, learners are expected to engage with it

through the study and manipulation of examples.

2. Inductive Approach

An inductive approach comes from inductive reasoning stating that a reasoning

Progression proceeds from particulars (that is, observations, measurements, or data) to

generalities (for example, rules, laws, concepts or theories). In short, when we use

induction, we observe a number of specific instances and from them infer a general

principle or concept. In the case of pedagogical grammar, most experts argue that the

inductive approach can also be called rule-discovery learning. It suggests that a

teacher teach grammar starting with presenting some examples of sentences. In this

sense, learners understand grammatical rules from the examples. The presentation of

grammatical rules can be spoken or written. that the inductive approach tries to utilize

the very strong reward value of bringing order, clarity and meaning to experiences.

This approach involves learners’ participating actively in their own instruction. In

addition, the approach encourages a learner to develop her/his own mental set of strategies

for dealing with tasks. In other words, this approach attempts to highlight grammatical

rules implicitly in which the learners are encouraged to conclude the rules given by the

teacher. Similar to the deductive approach, the inductive approach offers advantages

and disadvantages as seen in the Table 2 below.

B. Goals and Techniques for Teaching Grammar

The goal of grammar instruction is to enable students to carry out their communication

purposes. This goal has three implications:

1. Students need overt instruction that connects grammar points with larger communication


2. Students do not need to master every aspect of each grammar point, only those that

relevant to the immediate communication task.

3. Error correction is not always the instructor's first responsibility.

1). Overt Grammar Instruction

Teach the grammar point in the target language or the students' first language or both.

The goal is to facilitate understanding.

Limit the time you devote to grammar explanations to 10 minutes, especially for lower

level students whose ability to sustain attention can be limited.

Present grammar points in written and oral ways to address the needs of students with

different learning styles.

Be sure the examples are accurate and appropriate. They must present the language

appropriately, be culturally appropriate for the setting in which they are used, and be to

the point of the lesson.

Use the examples as teaching tools. Focus examples on a particular theme or topic so that

students have more contact with specific information and vocabulary.

2). Relevance of Grammar Instruction

In the communicative competence model, the purpose of learning grammar is to learn the

language of which the grammar is a part. Instructors therefore teach grammar forms and

structures in relation to meaning and use for the specific communication tasks that students need

to complete.

The example

There are some examples depend on the steps of teaching grammatical

TABLE 3. Step One: Noticing Model Sentences

TABLE 4. Step Two: Functions and Exmples of the present perfect tense

TABLE 5. Step Three, Exercise 1: Written Question Input

TABLE 6. Step Three, Exercise 2: Correct Verb form completion

TABLE 7. Step Three, Exercise 3: Tense-based Sentense Tranformation


To conclude we can say that we cannot ignore grammar in language. Because it directly

influence the effectiveness and meaning. Language and grammar both goes side by side we

cannot separate one from another and we should teach grammar combining it with the language

in a communicative way. We can teach grammatical in the some ways depend on the step of

teaching grammar such as : 1. Noticing model sentence,2. Function and example of tenses of the

sentence, 3. Written question input, 4. Correct verb form completion, 5. Tenses based sentences

transformation. Teaching grammar can be applied by deductive and inductive strategy.


A 21st century grammar bridge. [original title: Teaching grammar: turning words into deeds.]

The Secondary English Magazine, 7(5), 2004, 24-6.

William Somerset Maugham,. 1938.The Summing Up.

Javed, Iqbal.2012.How to Teach Grammar.online.http://www.slideshare.net/JavedIqbal15/how-

to-teach-grammar-12313152,diakses 15 April 2012.

Irina,K.2009.Teaching Grammar-The Role of Teaching Grammar.

http://www.slideshare.net/Ottamay/teaching-grammar-1279836.diakses 14 April 2012
