Student Diversity / Keragaman Siswa



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By Group : IIIHotmauli Lestari SaragihRony Samuel P. Hasibuan

Yerni Silalahi

Diversity is a reality created by individuals and groups from a broad spectrum of demographic and philosophical differences. It is extremely important to support and protect diversity because by valuing individuals and groups free from prejudice, and by fostering a climate where equity and mutual respect are intrinsic.

The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.  It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.


Diversity is a set of conscious practices that involve:

1. Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment.

2. Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from our own.

3. Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways of knowing;

4. Recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others;

5. Building alliances across differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination.













Intelligence is the problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt and learn from the experience of everyday life. Interest in intelligence often focused on individual differences and individual assessment.



1. Alfred Binet Intelligence (1857-1911) and Theodore Simon, intelligence consists of three components, namely the ability to direct one's thoughts or actions, the ability to change the course of action if that action has been implemented, and the ability for self-criticism (autocriticism).

2. Anita E. Woolfolk (1995) suggested that according to the old theories, intelligence that includes two terms, namely: ability to learn and knowledge obtained throughout.

3. David Wechsler, intelligence is the ability to act in a focused, think rationally, and deal effectively environment.

4. Lewis Madison Terman in 1916 defines intelligence as a person's ability to think abstractly.

The definitions of Intelligence according to some experts


1. Congenital or Biological Factors

Where these factors are determined by the nature of inborn. Limit a person's ability or skill in solving problems, among others, is determined by innate factors.

2. Factors Typical Interests and Innate

Where interest in directing actions to a goal and an impetus for the act.

3. Establishment or Environmental Factors

Where the formation is all the outward circumstances which affect the development of intelligence.

4. Maturity Factor

Where each organ in the human body has growth and development.

5. Freedom Factor

This means that people can choose a particular method in solving the problems faced. In addition to the freedom to choose the method, are also free to choose problems that fit their needs.


Factors that affect intelligence

Intelligence consists of three components, namely the ability to direct one's thoughts or actions, the ability to change the course of action if that action has been implemented, and the ability for self-criticism (autocriticism).

IQ is a score derived from an intelligence test kits. Thus, IQ only give little indication of a person's intelligence level and does not describe the person's overall intelligence.

Intelligence and IQ differences


Talent is a natural ability possessed by a person who allows him to do something well. Different talents to the ability, capacity, and achievement. Ability is the power to act as a result of the nature and exercise. Ability indicates that an action can be implemented now while talent requires training and education so that an action can be done in the future. Capacity is defined as the ability that can be developed fully in the future if the conditions mentioned in an optimal workout. Talent and the ability to determine one's accomplishments, but people do not always have the talented high achievement.

Intelligence and Talent


Howard Gardner intelligence divide into 8 types:


By way of a test called the Binet-Simon test as a test of intelligence first emerged, taking into account two things in doing the test, namely: (1) Chronological Age (Cronological Calender Age or

Age or CA) is umurseseorang as indicated by the length of his or her birth day of life from the date of birth.

(2) Mental age (mental age abbreviated MA), namely age kecerdasansebagaimana indicated by the results of tests of academic ability.

Measurement of Intelligence

MAIQ = X 100 CA



Genius 140 to up

Very Clever

Smart ( superior)



More than average




Below Average 80-85

Boundary Line (stupid) 70-79

Moron (weak thought) 50-69

Imbicile  ( idiot) 45 to under


Genius 140 to up

Classification by Alfred Binet IQ: 

Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient is often referred to (EQ ) is emotional intelligence includes self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, zeal or self-motivation, empathy, and social skills. According to Goleman, emotional intelligence consists

of 4 areas: 1.    Developing emotional awareness the ability to separate from the act of feeling home2.    Managing emotions being able to control anger3.    Reading emotions understanding the perspectives of others4.    Handling relationships the ability to solve relationship problems



Spiritual intelligence or commonly known as SQ (English: spiritual quotient) is the soul of wit which helps one to develop oneself fully through the creation of possibilities for applying positive values .

SQ is a facility that helps a person to overcome the problems and come to terms with the problem. The main characteristic of SQ is demonstrated by a person's consciousness to use his experience as a form of application of the value and meaning.


One’s learning style is the most convenient way information goes into a person's brain

The style of teaching is a strategy of transfer of information provided by the teacher to the students.



According DePorter and Hernacki (2002), is a combination of learning styles absorb, organize, and process information. There are three types of learning styles based on individual modalities used in information processing (perceptual modality):

1. Visual (Visual Learners)2. Auditory (Auditory Learners)3. Kinesthetic (Kinesthetic Learners)


Visual Learning Styles (Visual Learners) focuses on visual acuity.

The characteristics of this visual learning styles are: 1. Tend to see the attitude, movement, and lip

teachers who are teaching 2. Not a good listener when communicating 3. When the user gets to do something, generally

will see more friends then he himself is acting 4. Do not like talking in front of groups and do

not like listening to other people too. Seen passive in discussions.

5. Less able to recall the information given orally

6. More like a demonstration than a verbal explanation

7. Can sit quietly amid captured and crowded situations without being distracted

Auditory learning styles (Auditory Learners) rely on hearing to be able to understand and remember.

The characteristics of auditory learning styles are: 1. Better able to recall the teacher's explanation in class, or materials discussed in the group /

class 2. Listeners accomplished: children easily master the creative / songs in television / radio 3. Tend to talk much 4. Do not like to read, and generally is not a good reader because it is less well able to

remember what you have just read 5. Ably less preformance tasks compose / write 6. Happy to discuss and communicate with others 7. Less keen attention to new things in its environment, such as the presence of a new child,

the presence of a bulletin board in the corner of the class, etc.

Kinesthetic learning styles (Kinesthetic Learners) require that the individual in question touches something that gives certain information so that he could remember.

The characteristics of kinesthetic learning styles are:

- touching all - something encountered, including the current study - difficult to remain silent or to sit still, always wanted to move - doing everything possible active hands. Example: when the teacher explains the lesson, she listened with her hands busy drawing - likes to use real objects as a learning tool - it is difficult to master abstract things like maps, symbols and symbol - liked the practice / trial - liked the game and physical activity

Personality is the overall attitude, feeling, expression, and temperament of a person. Attitudes, feelings, expressions and temperament that will manifest in one's actions when faced with certain situations.



Biological factors Social Factor Cultural Factor




Temperament is a symptom rather than the nature of the emotional characteristics of individuals, including the absence of easy-exposed to emotional stimuli, strength and speed to react, the quality of the power of his mood, all the way rather than fluctuations in mood and intensity.

- Sanguine- Melancholy- Choleric- Flegmatik

The Kinds of Temperament

Culture is a pattern of behavior, beliefs, and all the products of a particular group of people who passed down from generation to generation. Ethnicity is a general pattern of characteristics such as cultural heritage, nationality, race, religion, and language.



Economic status is a group of people based on economic characteristics, individual, and work. Social class showed more than just the level of income and education.



Good teachers and professionals must have the ability to learn the local language in which he served.


Gender inequity in the classroom, known as gender bias in learning (education) strongly influence the choice and student achievement in learning.

Education must promote gender equality perspective in education.


The diversity of students is divided into several sections, namely Intelligence, learning style, personality and temperament, social economic status, race, ethnicity, language, religion, culture. Diversity are the characteristics inherent in a particular group. This grouping can be viewed from the aspect of sex, physical, social economic status, race-ethnicity, culture, language, religion, mental state, behavior, intellect, and so on.

