School Life in South Seminole


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School Life In South Seminole

School Life in South SeminoleBy: Aurora, Julia, Mira-Sophie, and Annie


WelcomeIn this PowerPoint you will learn about School in South Seminole. We will tell you about what we eat, what we wear, and the timing of when we leave school. Thank you for watching.


Dress CodeDo we have uniforms? No. However, some things we cannot wear. No short shorts, or tank tops are allowed, and no hoods are to be worn inside.

Lunch at South SeminoleAt South Seminole, we eat a range of things. Everything from pizza to rice is on the menu. Americas food is a blend of different types of food, mixed together, and changed.

Students at South SeminoleAt South Seminole we have about 2,000 students, of different races and backgrounds.

Off-TimeWe have three major breaks: Summer, Spring, and Winter Break. For Thanksgiving, we have half of a week off, and other holidays are giving one or two days off.

Look to the next slide to see holidays we get off.


Class MatesIn each class we have about 20 classmates. It varies from class to class, but most classes have 20 or more students.

Changing ClassesWe have 8 classes in our schedule. Each day is a different set of classes. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the same, and Wednesdays and Fridays are alike, except Fridays have 8th period, which the rest of the days dont. Mondays have all classes except 8th.

Schools in south SeminoleI hoped you enjoyed our PowerPoint, and learned a lot aboutThere is one more thing


I would suggest staying on this page until the music stops.
