Poster Deconstruction #1


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Picture of album cover shows the audience what to look for to access the songs mentioned in bold

below (to make them stand out) on the plain

white background). The red colours add to this effect and make the words stand out with precise clarity.

Picture of the artist shows the audience exactly who ‘Katy

Perry’ is. The fact she’s central on the page makes her the

focal point of the poster, meaning the audience are

somewhat forced to look at her at some point (because she also takes up the majority of

the page).

The costume looks relatively

casual with just a white skirt and

blue denim jacket; possibly being the artist’s way of showing

her fans she’s no different to them,

giving them someone to aspire to.

The font of the artist’s name (which is conveniently placed at the centre top of the page, possibly being the first thing the audience reads making

her name stick in their heads being good for advertising), is bright red making it stand out very clearly on the page. The style appears handwritten like

a signature, possibly suggesting that the album is

Katy’s personal gift to her fans (as hidden in the ‘P’ is a small love heart which can be found

throughout the poster). The connotations of the red font could suggest lip-stick

(thus linking to Katy’s ‘cheeky’ image) as well as love for her


The mise-en-scene/use of the Ice Cream prop

suggests her innocence and ‘sweetness’ (if

you’ll pardon the pun!) which is a running

theme throughout the album.

By placing her websites and social

networks at the bottom of the

poster, the record label are gaining more publicity for

the album (and the artist in general)

meaning they’ll get more sales and therefore profit.
