Picture worth 1000 words



Photos for Language Arts 7 Visual Literacy assignment

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Language Arts 7A Picture is Worth a Thousand


A picture is worth a thousand words

Pictures can be an effective way of communicating messages.  Just like written words, pictures can be "read." 

When we talk about writing, we often talk about "voice" --the personality or feeling that comes across.  It is what makes the writing interesting and the same goes for photographs.

Techniques Used in Photographs

Angle--where the photographer is in relation to the subject. 

Framing--where the edges of the image are and what is included in it (ie: close up)

Light--one of the most powerful tools for the photographer because light contributes to the mood of the photo.

Focus--this is the sharpness or blurriness of the image.

Composition--how the photo is put together.  What is in the foreground, are there repetitive elements etc?


Objects in the photo and the techniques used help us figure out the underlying story or idea. Take a closer look at the following photos.  Select one that you think is visually interesting, then post in the discussion forum:

What was it about this photo that caught your attention?

Why do you think the photographer took this photo? 
