Interview with the school health visitor 2010




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Interview with the school’s health visitor

 What does healthy life consist of?

-It consists of healthy eating habits, regular moving, medical examination and nature.


What are the most important nutrients?

-These are carbohydrates, protein, minerals, vitamins, energy and fat.

It depends on the age and the workstyle. 

 How much nutrients does a teenager at our age need?

-I think it depends on the person’s weight. A normal teenager needs 50% carbohydrates, 25% protein, 10% vitamins, 5% minerals and 5% fat. 2500 kcal energy per day is the healthiest.

 How much nutrients do we need to eat?

You should have:a, -Vollcorn bread


every -Fibre

day -Water (2 litres/day)

b, -Daily products (yoghurt,cheese,milk) five -Meat (light meat)

times a week

c, - Eggs (because of the cholesterol)

twice a - Fish (sea fish is healthier) week

d, -Chocolate- -Sweets -Drinks containing sugar a bit -Fat

What kind of examination does the doctor regularly do and what does she offer for teenagers?She usually does screening. She checks

the weight, height, hearing, seeing, blood pressure etc. She usually asks about the person’s lifestyle. If that kid needs sports she can offer something for him/her. She gives advices and she tries to help.

How many times should we do sports?

-You should do something 3 or 4 times a week.

You have possibilities to do sports at your school.

If you haven’t got any time you should go home on foot or by bike and not by car.


What are the healthiest sports?

It depends on the person. There are people who want to do sport alone and there are other people who do that in a team.

You can do exercises at home. Such as: riding a bike in your room

How can we become healhty adults?

Firstly keep nature clean.Secondly you souldn’t smoke, drink alcohols

and energy drinks. Don’t be addicted to harmful passions.

Last but not least you should sleep 8-9 hours a day and learn of course.


What snacks can we eat between meals?You can eat healthy biscuits such as

Cerbona slices (these are made of cereals and honey), fruits and oat products. These kinds of snacks are important and useful because they don’t contain sugar and what’s more there isn’t any salt in them.

Thank you very much.

Made by Dóra Kövesdi, Luca Mezősi and Kamilla Kovács – Hungary
