Fungi Kingdom


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Kinds of Fungi


1. Single and multi cellular2. Eukaryotic and have cell

wall3. Consumers - decomposers4. Reproduce with spores.

1. Mushrooms

2. Shelf fungi

3. Mold

4. Yeast

The most familiar fungi..


• While some are edible, many more are poisonous!

Shelf fungi grow on the sides of trees and stick out like a….

• SHELF!!!!

• Also called “bracket fungi”

Molds• Look “fuzzy” and often grow on old food.

• Penicillin antibiotics are made from a kind of bread mold.


• Yeasts are the only single celled fungi, and are used to make yeast breads and alcoholic beverages.

• Some kinds of yeasts cause infections.

Lichens - Part fungus, part algae! 1. The algae makes the food, and the fungus protects the algae – called symbiosis

Fungi:Good and Bad

• Penicillium mold is where we get an antibiotic: penicillin

• Some mushrooms are good to eat.

• Decomposers recycle nutrients in dead organisms

• Yeasts make bread and wines, etc.

• Molds, mildews, and some other fungi destroy crops and possessions

• Some fungi spoil food• Some mushrooms are

poisonous• Some fungi cause

diseases in plants and animals

What have we learned?• Fungi are ___ celled eukaryotes with cell

walls.• Absorb their food (consumers) as either_________ (use dead or dying stuff for food) or_________ (live off living organisms)• Reproduce by forming ________.• Classified by structure for making _______.

Let’s go have pizza with fungi!!!