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Social Network and Semantic Web

By: Priyanka SinghIAM, School of Electronics and Computer Science

University of Southamptonps1w07@ecs.soton.ac.uk

Supervisor- Prof. Nigel R. ShadboltSecond Supervisor- Dr. Manuel Salvadores



Semantic Web + Social Web

Semantic Web Social Applications

Using Semantic Web social data

Social Networking & Communities

Role of Linked Data

Issues with social data

Social Web

Social Web

Object centered connection

Closed network and data silos

Social network fatigue

Isolated communities of user and data

Connectivity and portability between different networks?

Semantic Web + Social Web

Use semantics to describe resources (URIs, RDFa)

Ontologies to describe concepts (FOAF, SIOC, OPO)

Share resources across platform and networks

Interlinking of data

Search and query

Semantic Web + Social Web

Semantic Web Social Applications

Semantic Tagging

Semantic Microblogging

Facebook Open Graph

Semantic Wikis

Using Semantic Social Data

Distributed and decentralized Social Web

Interoperability and data portability

Social network analysis

Enhanced recommendation and data visualization

Can we quickly create a community according to need or interest or find experts?

Medium of Communication

Personal Network (Facebook, Myspace)

Professional Network (LinkedIn, Yammer)

Media Sharing (Flickr, YouTube)

Blogging and Microblogging (Twitter, Wordpress)

Collective Knowledge (Wikipedia, Stackoverflow)

Communication (IRC, Online Chat, Skype)

Others (Message boards, forums, mailing list, etc)

Why form communities?

Information exchange and self interest

Symbiotic relation and social exchange

Recommender system

Expert finder

Other Incentives (social recognition, personal satisfaction)

Types of Community

Information based

Interest based

Location based

Expert based

Role of Linked Data

Role of Linked Data

Multidimensional Network

Structured data

Linking People to People and People to Data

Smart query

Social Network Analysis

Issues with Semantic Web

Not all data are open and linked

Lack of consistent ontologies and data description

Privacy and security

Lack of incentive to open and link personal data.

Work done

Crime Ontology

Interlinking publications data with Dbpedia

Co-wrote paper for ESWC11- “Distributed Human Computation Framework for Linked Data Co-reference Resolution”

Create victim support group in a locality and find an expert Psychologist nearby as a mediator?

Thank you
