Dataverse Instructional Module Writeup



Dataverse Instructional Module Writeup

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Instructional Module for Dataverse

The Dataverse presentation I have prepared runs students through the Dataverse software and

how researchers can use this in their data management process. The slides describe how

Dataverse Software works, depicts the overall picture of the “repository” and also helps students

visualize it before they use it.

My teaching model tries to incorporate a virtual space into the lesson for students to gain a

hands-on experience using a data management service they may see in their future jobs.

Similar to the Digital Curriculum Laboratory (DCL) at Simmons, Dataverse can be used by

anywhere through the virtual web interface. The DCL provides scenarios and a workspace for

learning modules tied to the class objectives and outcomes. For LIS 532G, we are going to

incorporate using Dataverse Network as a data sharing tool for students to visualize. This

coincides with course objective for students to understand foundational elements of a data

management plan and to also use resources to support the sharing of data.

After the presentation, students will have the chance to use Dataverse through an assigned

exercise. The exercise will require students to use their already completed midterm data and

information, and uploaded it into their own Dataverse. This exercise will show students the

importance of preserving their work in a safe and open space. By using Dataverse, students will

also learn how to evaluate repositories and sharing tools for their archiving features and also for

their usability.

There is also an outline running students step by step through the assignment. This outline (and

others created for the course) is in response to student feedback from the previous course

offering. Students wanted more direction on assignments and thought the course structure was

too loose. Also, in my research on teaching methods, Stein, et al (2005) found that course

structure needs to be appropriate for the learners, and also suggests that high structure and

high dialogue can lessen transactional distance. Therefore, the more direction students have

and also the more communication students have with instructors, the more they will get out of

the course.