Crisis intervention smca 01072016


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Presented by:Carolyn G. Carlisle PhD, LPC

A crisis is “a temporary state of upset and disorganization, characterized chiefly by an individual's inability to cope with a particular situation utilizing customary methods of problem solving, and by the potential for a radically negative or positive outcome” (Jackson-Cherry & Erford, 2010, pg. 2)

Trilogy Definition involves three major components: The individual who is in crisis The actual event that precipitates the crisis

Not so much what happens to the individual Their perception of the event–

Diminished functioning when the distress is not mitigated by adequate coping resources

Stress Response to a stressor that leads to a change in equilibrium

Trauma Powerful, overwhelming, and threaten perceptions of safety

and security Responses to trauma

Typically respond with intense fear and horror Other physiological symptoms (difficulty eating,

sleeping, and functioning in everyday life; hypervigilence)

Coping All actions taken in an attempt to manage the stress

Adaptive or maladaptive Adaption

Degree to which functioning has changed Resiliency

How well an individual bounces back from adversity Based on physiological strengths and psychological resourcefulness

Brief therapeutic intervention with the goal to return the client to their level of functioning before the crisis designed to:Decrease suffering/symptoms

Then refer to long term therapy if neededTriage client problems

Resource and referralMay or may not include clinical diagnosisCapitalize on client strengths and protective

factors that will facilitate copingPrevention

May prevent full blown crisis or diminish the severity

Assessment the stressor event the person experiencing the crisis the meaning of the event to the person in crisis Reactions of others that impact the person

experiencing the crisis Important to assess risk factors

Some of which may have been present prior to the crisis

Intervention Treatment plan Resource and referral

Termination Short term nature of crisis intervention can

present termination issues

Interviewing the clientPsychosocial historyPerception of the eventPresenting symptomsRisks for self harmCoping resources available to clientSupport system available to client

Direct observations of the client during the interview Present to person, place, time, and

circumstance? Represents their level of contact with reality

Level of fear, anxiety, despair, sense of hopelessness?

Affective Intervention: Need to establish rapid rapport with the client Help the client to express and manage feelings resulting from the

crisis Cognitive Intervention:

Help the client understand the connections between the traumatic event and their response to it Clarifying the problem Identify factors involved Helping the client to intellectually understand the crisis Initiate coping strategies Help the client to change their perceptions surrounding the

trauma Environmental intervention:

Help the client to access support From family, friends, community resources VOCA grant

All three of these approaches will be used at some point

Debriefing Critical incident training

Individual counseling Group counseling

Social support Classroom guidance

Prevention programsResources to teachers and support staff

PTSD symptoms; suicidal ideation Resources for parents and other


Assistant clients in understanding the ways crisis has affected their life Cognitively Behaviorally Emotionally

Monitor and assess the severity of the trauma Make referrals as needed

Provide specific crisis intervention strategies Specific treatment plan

Safety planning Coping skills development and stress inoculators Provide client with resources Prepare client to deal with future crises

Will help eliminate symptoms

May people report extreme personal growth subsequent to a crisis

Effective intervention is the key to positive outcomes

Jackson-Cherry, L; & Erford, B.(2010), Crisis Intervention. Pearson, New York, New York.

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