Countries and languages


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What party forms the government?

A the Conservative Party

B the Liberal Party

C the party which wins the majority

of seats in election

D the Labour Party

Westminster Abbey is famous for its…

A Poet’s corner

B Speaker’s corner

C Sir Christopher Wren’s corner

D the Barbican Centre

The United Kingdom is…

A parliamentary monarchy

B constitutional monarchy

C parliamentary republic

D constitutional republic

The daily ceremony of changing of the Guard

takes place in…

A the courtyard of Buckingham Palace

B Trafalgar Square

C the Tower of London

D Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey

Admiral Nelson’s Column stands…

A the courtyard of Buckingham Palace

B Trafalgar Square

C the Tower of London

D Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey

The Crown jewels are displayed…

A the courtyard of Buckingham Palace

B Trafalgar Square

C the Tower of London

D Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey

The oldest of London royal parks is…

A St James’s Park

B Hyde Park

C National Park

D Regent’s Park

Who lives at 10 Downing street?

A Prime Minister

B President

C the Queen

D the King

What represents the Welsh flag?

A a red dragon

B a white dragon

C a white lily

D a red horse

When did the Great Fire of London break


A 1760

B 1066

C 1666

D 1806

What birds live in Tower?

A raven

B doves

C sparrows

D nightingales

What is Heathrow?

A the largest airport

B the airport near Belfast

C the airport near London

D the biggest seaport in Great Britain

The flag has…

A thirteen stripes

B thirty stripes

C sixty stripes

D ten stripes

Who was the first president of the USA?

A Abraham Lincoln

B George Washington

C Franklin Roosevelt

D John Kennedy

What is the national symbol in America?

A the rose

B the bald eagle

C the shamrock

D the thistle

What is the longest river in the USA?

A The Missouri

B the Mississippi

C the Potomac

D the Hudson

What place in the USA is called “The magic


A Grand Canyon

B Hollywood

C Disney World

D Great Lakes

The second largest city in the USA…

A New York

B Washington

C Chicago

D Los-Angeles

The Congress of the United States is

composed of…houses

A four B three

C five D two

In the autumn of 1620 many of the

English people left England on the

board of the ship?

The first 90% settlers in the USA were

A Anglo-Saxon Stock

B Celtic Stock

C African Americans

D American Indians

The Capitol is…

A the seat of the USA government

B the residence of the president

C the Museum of American history

D a world’s famous resort

The USA is…

A a parliamentary republic

B a monarchy

C a constitutional monarchy

D a federal republic

The heart of New York is…

A Manhattan

B Queens

C Brooklyn

D the Bronx

Wie heisst die Hauptstadt Deutschlands?

Was sieht man auf dem Wappen


Was sieht man auf dem Wappen


Wieviel Bundeslander gibt es?

Wie heisst der höhste Berg in Deutschland?

Die Hauptstadt von welchem Bundesland

ist Dresden?

Wie heisst das Parlamentsgebaude?

Was feiert man am 6sten Dezember?

Wie heisst das hochste christliche religiose


Wie heisst die Bundeskanzlerin der BRD?

Wie heisst der President der BRD?

Wie heisst dieser Schloss?
