Cory's Term 4 Task Presentation



Cory's Term 4 Task Presentation

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What I have learnt is how will evaluating make my future better and why and now that I know what evaluating means I use it a lot like for example when I play soccer I think more about my decision making like when I pass the ball I think what to do. I either play easy or I take him on and try get past him and now all the time I evaluate in my soccer matches. Cory

Were I had started off with was when I didn’t know what evaluate means. So when we first started off with this task I didn`t have a clue what it meant and what it was. So every week I`ve been learning what evaluate means and now I finally know what evaluate means. Cory

The point I`m at now is where I’m making a presentation with the knowledge I know about evaluating. What I am doing with the knowledge I know is making a presentation.

What has changed now is that now I know what evaluate means and what it is and now that I know what it means I use it heaps now and I think more about my decisions in soccer, school work all sorts of things like that.

I got there by learning step by step. A thing that helped me was comparing evaluation to decision making. I also got there by the help from the teacher, Google and the help of my friends.

I did it by comparing evaluation and decision making and finding the links.
