Cambio climático 3




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The island tries to recycle as much as possible. All the waste, that may not be disposed in the separated containers, is taken to the clean point.There are computers, toner, etc.. What is harmful to the environment

It is the best to do, but the downside is that on the island there is no recycling plant and waste is sent off the island to be recycled. This is done by boat which is also contaminating. In the Canary Islands there are only glass recycling plants.

In recycling plants, different processes are used to convert the materials deposited on the clean point into others that can be reused although there are some that can not be reused

The materials that are deposited in the containers in the city are taken to the waste management center.There, organic waste is buried, waste that can be recycled is sorted, compressed and sent to recycling plants.

The wood is shredded and left at a specific place for people to pick up and use it as there is no recycling company which is in charge of it.With organic materials there is a project to start making compost (fertilizer for plants)
